exo dog Destiny 2, also called the Archangel dog, has the nickname "Archie", according to the latest report from This Week at Bungie. The dog is part of a secret, unlisted mission in Destiny 2, for which you need to shoot 50 drones throughout the universe Destiny 2, and then access the secret room in the Operation Seraph's Shield mission. Players who interact with the dog by petting it will automatically return the puppy to HELM and receive the Guardian's Best Friend triumph. This will also give them the opportunity to purchase a stuffed dog from Destiny 2to celebrate Archie's role in one of the best FPS games on the market.

Bungie Blog Post which describes the process of designing a dog and determining if players can pet it in the popular space game, using a simulated pink human character model to test the mechanics.

The video shows an early test to see if the game engine will support exo-dog stroking. Destiny 2. However, the image of the pink creature being petted by the Guardian has spawned a number of memes and jokes, including a Reddit post titled "Robo-dog is cool, but we could have had a creepy pink goblin man living in HELM instead."

exo dog Destiny 2

Petting dogs in video games has become a meme and even spawned a Twitter account called @CanYouPetTheDog dedicated to answering the question of whether specific dogs can be petted in video games.

In this post, Bungie has confirmed that players will be seeing more of their BFF robots in the future.

"We know many of you love Archie very much and are worried about their future," the post read. “They leave HELM at the end of the season, but they will return to the Tower in Season 21 for new pets.”

In addition, astute players noted that the mention of the Tower in Season 21 dispels any suggestion that the location will be destroyed in Lightfall. Some history buffs have speculated that the sequence of events that will take place after the release of Destiny 2 Lightfall may cause the social space of the Tower to disappear from the game, but it doesn't seem to happen.



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