Dungeon season 19 Destiny 2, Spire of the Watcher, the Guardians fight the Vex on Mars, bringing them back to one of the planets that were taken over in the 2020 FPS game's content overhaul. In the dungeon, players must prevent the Vex from accessing the technology systems deep within the bunker, which they seek to use to gain control of Rasputin's Warmind AI sub-mind data. The dungeon concludes with a battle with Persis, Primal Ruins, a giant Vex Wyvern.

Mars is home to several Clovis Bray facilities, and this is where Ana Bray originally found Rasputin and attempted to recruit the Warmind to help in the fight for humanity. The storyline of the 19th season Destiny 2 focuses on Bray's efforts to revive Rasputin from his current state as he exists in an engram, potentially making him an unstoppable force in the fight for the Light.

Players who complete the dungeon can receive the Hierarchy of Needs exotic bow, as well as several other legendary weapons and an exotic sparrow. The Exotic Bow is a random drop at the end of the last encounter in the dungeon, so players may have to go through the dungeon multiple times to get it. The Hierarchy of Needs builds energy from precision kills to create a Guiding Ring that players can shoot through to turn their arrows into powerful seeker projectiles.

The dungeon also features a new set of armor that references Tex Mechanica. The Western-inspired set builds on lore dating back to the original Destiny days. Tex Mechanica, the foundry that produces weapons such as Dead Man's Tale and The Last Word, is first mentioned in The Taken King expansion.

Although in Destiny 2 currently having an outpost on Mars, this is the first time an in-game combat-focused mission or activity has taken place on the planet since sunset came with the launch of the Beyond Light expansion.

Dungeon Season 19 Destiny 2 launched yesterday at 12:00 pm ET / 9:00 am PT / 17:00 pm GMT. It is available to all players who have the Witch Queen expansion, but those without the expansion or seasonal content must purchase it with a $20/£17 dungeon key. This key unlocks the Observer's Spire and the Duality Dungeon introduced in Season 17. To gain access to the dungeon, Guardians must complete the Witch Queen's first mission.



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