Ahead of launch Dead Space Remake developer Motive says the horror game is so scary that they can't play it at night with headphones. This is exciting news for fans of Isaac Clarke and Ishimura and the adult diaper industry as we rocket towards the release date. Dead Space.

When was the last time a horror game made you literally afraid to play it? Personally, I had a hard time playing Alien Isolation - there's a section towards the end where the lights are off and you're in a nest of corridors with five open vents above you, and it feels like every move you make could summon a xenomorph.

Horror in games is a tricky balance. Scare us too much and we might decide to just leave. Play too cute and the whole effect will be ruined.

One of the best old games, original Dead Space featured a solid mix of action and suspense. However, its upcoming remake is likely to hit the fear pedal much harder, to the point that its creators themselves are afraid of what they have brought to this world.

"When I play it at night, I can't play it with headphones," says CTO Dead Space David Robillard in an interview with Play published on the website GamesRadar. “It's just too f**king scary. Just the amount of realism and, again, the atmosphere. Not just visually, right? They really add a lot to the genre and make the whole experience even more cohesive.”

The scariest part Dead Space, of course, is the medical bay, which, judging by the gameplay trailers, will return in the remake. However, some parts of the original game have been changed and reworked, with Motive said aiming to improve any weak parts or elements.

"In the initial part of the game Dead Space Remake, when played side by side, they are extremely similar,” says Motive senior producer Philippe Ducharme. But then as you get through some chapters, there are goals that weren't as popular."

“We wanted to make sure that if we change something that it truly reflects one of our key pillars, rather than just making a change because we think we know better than the original team because they did an amazing job.”



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