John Carpenter's The Thing is one of the best scary movies ever made, and while it hasn't become a horror game (yet), the director has expressed interest in the film Dead Space, an indie developer has gone to the trouble of making a PT-inspired short The Thing-style game in the vein of Hideo Kojima's lost masterpiece, and it's amazing.

I tried this The Thing PT style game, and while it's incredibly short (and a bit slow), it's masterful in building tension with just a few rooms, sound effects, and a hell of a reveal. You control MacReady, played by Kurt Russell, and while this won't come as a surprise to those who have watched the classic 1982 movie, it's a great little clip from the movie in video game form.

Developed by Stefano Cagnani, the short PT-style game allows you to "relive the intense atmosphere of the 1982 film The Thing in one of the scariest scenes I've ever done in Unreal Engine."

The controls are simple and you won't be able to do anything like Kojima's PT, but when it comes to proof of concept, this game is at the top of the list. You can watch a short video of the game below.

Built on Unreal Engine 4, this game based on John Carpenter's The Thing will be turned into a full-fledged horror game, but Cagnani calls it a demo, so it's possible if they decide to expand on the idea.

Initially seen gamewatcher, this The Thing (The Thing) PT style demo can be downloaded from, and you'll need WinRar to play it or download it on the app.

If you want to play something similar, we have compiled a list Top 10 creepy doll horror games you should play.


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