Developers of the upcoming remake Dead Space have unveiled a new trailer showcasing some of the improved features of the rebuilt horror game. When is the release date for the remake in January? Dead Space, get ready to experience something called the Cleaning System.

While aboard the USG Ishimura, engineer Isaac Clarke is having the worst day of his life, thanks in large part to enemies called Necromorphs who have taken over the ship. These things are mutated dead bodies, which is pretty disgusting in itself, and now there's a new cleaning system that apparently makes them even more gross.

Developer EA Motive says he's "rebuilt" the Necromorphs around this new cleaning system, which is basically layers of bone, tendon, and flesh that will break, rip, and tear depending on which of Isaac's tools you aim at him. EA Motive says this allows for "increased creativity" in how you can approach each Necromorph encounter, but doesn't provide any details on what that could mean - and besides, because there isn't really a pleasant answer.

Here's the new trailer:

Remake Dead Space also adds a new intensity director to keep you on your toes, as well as new voice acting for the previously silent Isaac, courtesy of Gunner Wright, who played Isaac in Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3.

In the remake Dead Space there are also no loading screens or cuts - Ishimura is "fully interconnected" so you'll never get stuck waiting for an area to load while on a tram.

Remake Dead Space will be released in January.


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