У Dead Space 4 Anniversary Livestream took place today, followed by several previews and an extended gameplay trailer for the upcoming remake.

PlayStation Blog was one of those publications that personally got acquainted with the game, and they have something to say about it.

You already know what's in the game Dead Space 4 has Zero-G's freedom of movement, no loading screens, it's very violent, and that Isaac is fully voiced. But did you know that he can watch the transformations of Necromorphs in real time, like the beginning Dead Space 2? If not, now you know.

New in the game Dead Space 4 are junction boxes that require you to redirect energy between different ship functions, and sometimes you will be faced with a choice of actions. The game also features locked doors and loot containers that can be accessed after gaining an elevated security clearance. Because of this, you will most likely have to step back a bit to open a container that you passed before getting your clearance. As for the locked doors, one of them is related to a new side quest.

In the remake Dead Space 4 also introduces the Intensity Director feature. Essentially, it makes ambient noises louder and provides a few jumps over a trifle like a burst pipe. However, it can also trigger a surprise Necromorph attack. It also makes exploration more intense, complex, and unpredictable. In addition, the atmosphere can change each time you return to a previously explored area, making each experience unique.

This time around, you can look forward to expanded weapon upgrade paths, as well as the fact that, by spending nodes, you can upgrade weapons by adding attachments to them.

Of course, you also expect improved visuals, improved storytelling, you can strategize your stasis, use a bench to customize your costume or upgrade weapons, and the user interface is more readable.

You should also watch the extended gameplay walkthrough Dead Space 4 shown above. In it, Senior Producer Philippe DuCharme takes a closer look at the updated USG Ishimura, showcasing key improvements including updated visual fidelity, interconnected ship, and more.

Release date Dead Space 4

Dead Space 4 releases January 27 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.


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