Key card Sons of the Forest open access to hidden areas, locked in secret and usually full of loot or other valuable items.

The problem is how to find them. To get your hands on the Maintenance Keycard and the VIP Keycard, you need to find two seemingly random points on the map and follow long dark paths through the underground labyrinth.

The final guest keycard is also underground, but it takes a little less effort to get it.

Maintenance key card location Sons of the Forest

maintenance key cards Sons of the Forest

The maintenance keycard is located in the northeastern part of the map, it will take you at least a few hours to get to it. You will also need a shovel to get into the bunker where the map is located.

Head to the location on the map shown in the image above.

In the clearing, take a shovel and start digging. After a few shovels, you should find a metal hatch labeled "Maintenance A." Enter the hatch and go down the stairs. Turn around and walk down the blood-splattered corridor. Enter the first door on the right, which will lead you to the living room. At the far end is a table with a maintenance key card on it.

Location of the VIP card Sons of the Forest

VIP cards Sons of the Forest

It takes a long time to look for a VIP key card. Head to the green pulse location on the northwestern side of the island as shown above.

A rock formation hides the entrance to a network of tunnels. Approach the rocks and interact with the gap when the corresponding prompt appears. Get some kind of lantern and move forward along the long dark cave until you reach the next hatch. Head down the stairs and you'll come to a rather spooky locker room.

At the far right end of the room is a locked door. Use the service card key to unlock it.

The next stage is long, but relatively simple. You will pass through several rooms where plants grow, and then you will fall into another dark corridor. Turn left at the end and go down the stairs into the water. Swim through the flooded room, then the next flooded room, dodging between the fallen lights, and then through another flooded room.

You will emerge in a darker room. Turn right and swim down the dim corridor. About halfway to your left there will be a doorway. Follow the corridor to its end, where it will lead you to an office space. The VIP card is on the table.

Guest key card location

guest key card Sons of the Forest

The Guest Key Card is in the green pulse just south of where you found the VIP Card. Interact with the rock located there, get the lantern and go to the end of the dark passage into the cave, where it will turn into a metal corridor.

Turn left as the corridor opens into a hallway and then turn right as you enter a brightly lit room. Use the VIP card to open the locked door.

Enter the gym, turn left and keep going until you come out into an atreum with two large stairs. Take the stairs - any of them will do - and continue towards the back of the mall. Enter the next room and continue forward through the restaurant until you reach the back wall. To your right will be a table surrounded by dead people, and on the table is a corpse and, more importantly, a guest key card.



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