I wonder how to save my game in Sons of the Forest? This question came to me almost immediately when I started playing a new early access co-op survival game. In Game Sons of the Forest death lurks around every corner, so you'll want to save your progress often. But first you will need to quickly build a building.

Sons of the Forest throws players into a deadly environment with starvation, dehydration, disease, fall damage and deadly cannibals around every corner, so saving the game frequently is as much a key to survival as crafting, cooking and combat.

But you can't just go to the menu and hit the save button. First you need to work a little by creating a shelter. Don't worry, it's simple.

How to build a shelter to save the game

To build a shelter, you will need the following:

  • 1 tarpaulin
  • 1 stick

When you collect containers at the helicopter crash site at the beginning of the game, you will find a reflective tarp in one of them. Pick it up and start looking for the stick on the ground: you'll see a lot of them as soon as you leave the snow-covered launch pad and go down to a small height.

When you find a stick, pick it up. Then open the inventory by pressing the I key and select or equip a tarp, which will be stored in the upper right corner of the inventory screen. Holding the tarp in your hand, look at the ground in front of you. You will see the outline of a square, which can be rotated with the Q and R keys if desired. When you are satisfied with the location, left-click and you will place the tarp on the ground.

Now just move closer and look at one of the corners of the tarp until you see a white dotted arrow pointing up. Left click again. As long as one stick is in your inventory, you will see yourself propping up the corner of the tarp with the stick. That's it, you've just built a shelter. Here is the whole process, which takes just a moment, in a gif:

Now, when you get close to the hideout, you will see two prompts: save game (hold E) and sleep (hold Z). You can also prop up the rest of the corners of the hideout with more sticks, but this is not necessary.

You can save the game Sons of the Forest anytime you are in the hideout and it will also show up on the GPS map as a house icon. To move the shelter, break the stick with the ax and the tarp will roll up and you can add it to inventory again.



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