Looking for a modern ax in the game Sons of the Forest? This useful tool can be cumbersome and slow to handle, but it does a lot more damage than your starting ax so you can chop down trees and build a solid base once you find it.

The modern ax is one of the most useful tools in the game. Not only is it necessary for building a strong base, but it is also a powerful weapon. Fortunately, it is not hidden in a cave or excavation site, but simply lies in the open air. So, unlike searching for the elusive shovels, the only difficulty in finding it is to know where to go on a large map. So, here's how to find a modern ax in Sons of the Forest.

ax Sons of the Forest

Location of the modern ax in Sons of the Forest

modern ax Sons of the Forest can be found by a corpse, or rather in a corpse, in one of the many abandoned camps. The camp is in the northwest corner of the map, next to one of the purple markers pointing to the GPS locators. If the purple marker is no longer on your map, you will find a camp on the east bank of a long river that connects to the northern coastline. There aren't many threats here, other than maybe a cannibal or two, so you can be perfectly safe going in search of a modern axe, and you can even build a camp or spend the night there when you get there.

Since the modern ax is one of the simplest and safest tools that can be found in Sons of the Forest, you can make it one of the first. Then, after a little practice and gaining strength, go for rebreather Sons of the Forest, which is necessary for the study of underwater caves. There are several different spawn locations in the sandbox game, so if you have a long walk to the modern ax location, make sure you have plenty of food and know how to get water Sons of the Forestand don't forget about stamina.



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