Not sure which faculty Hogwarts Legacy better? Although in each of the faculties Hogwarts Legacy there are many notable characters, it always seems like Gryffindor students are destined to be the heroes of the story. Fortunately, we are ready to assure you that your faculty does not determine your fate.

Regardless of where the sorting hat from Hogwarts Legacy, you don't have to play four saves at the same time to see how different the roleplaying experience is in each house. Don't worry, if you created a Wizarding World account to import your house and wand, you have the ability to override these options, including choosing the best wand. Although there are a few differences depending on which house you end up in, they are not significant enough to warrant choosing one of them.

Choose your faculty Hogwarts Legacy

In order to convince the sorting hat to choose your favorite faculty, you need to give it the correct answer. Each house at Hogwarts has its own characteristics, and you need to tell the hat which house you belong to the most.

which is the best faculty Hogwarts Legacy

Here are four features of the faculties in Hogwarts Legacy:

  • Gryffindor: Courage
  • Slytherin: Ambition
  • Hufflepuff: Devotion
  • ravenclaw: Curiosity

Additionally, you can select your House before playing Hogwarts Legacy by linking your Wizarding World account to your Warner Bros. account. You can go through the process of selecting a sorting hat in advance on the Wizarding World website. The Sorting Hat ceremony still happens in the game, but you already know in advance which house you will be sorted into. Fortunately, you can override this option by asking the sorting hat to place you in a different house.

Best Faculty Hogwarts Legacy

Differences between faculties Hogwarts Legacy

As far as we know, there are no real differences between the Hogwarts Legacy houses, aside from a few in-game differences. Some Hogwarts Legacy characters may mention the fact that you live in the same House as them, but this is usually when you are first introduced. In addition, you gain access to the house-specific Flame Flue, which can come in handy when completing assignments at Hogwarts. Otherwise, the main difference lies in the color of the clothes you wear and which Hogwarts heritage common rooms you have access to.

If you think your character looks better in green than red, you should seriously consider joining Slytherin rather than Gryffindor. Trust us, what really matters is how good your outfits look, not what characteristics each house has. No one will remember that you joined a faculty known for their cunning, ambition and pride. On the other hand, they will remember how good you looked every day thanks to the Hogwarts Legacy transmog system. You can even change your physical characteristics with our guide to changing your appearance in Hogwarts Legacy.

That's all you need to know about the differences between faculties Hogwarts Legacy. After that, you can focus on the important things like finding all the Hogwarts Legacy Gobstone locations and Daedalian Keys. You should also know that you may skip scenes from "Hogwarts Legacy» at the touch of a button, saving you potentially hours of boring conversations. If you're looking for something completely different, our list of the best PC games will keep you entertained for months.



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