Looking to get the Jenkins title in World of Warcraft? We will help you! Leeroy Jenkins from World of Warcraft is widely regarded as one of the first official memes in the gaming world. This has spawned many parodies and can even be used as a term to describe someone who runs away, oblivious to the seriousness of the situation. Blizzard thought it would be fun to implement a way for players to get the infamous Paladin's last name as a title in the game, although the method of getting it has changed over the years and it has also become somewhat buggy. Here is all the information you need to know about earning the Jenkins title in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.

How to get the Jenkins title in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

Let's start by explaining what can prevent you from getting the Jenkins title in the latest World of Warcraft expansion. There is currently a bug where sometimes the achievement fails even when done correctly. Blizzard is aware of this issue and asks you to open a ticket if you find yourself in this situation.

In addition to this, the method of obtaining the title includes a class that has the ability to resurrect. However, the newest class, the Evoker, still cannot resurrect Leeroy Jenkins, even though he has the ability to resurrect.

How to pass Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy…? Achievement in WoW: Dragonflight

Barring those two conditions, here's the easiest way to get the Jenkins title in World of Warcraft.

title Jenkins World of Warcraft

Leeeeeeeeeeeeeroy…? This achievement is completed in the Upper Blackrock Spire dungeon in World of Warcraft. It is located in Blackrock Mountain, between Searing Gorge and the Burning Steppes.

You will need to belong to one of the following classes to start the achievement, or take it with you:

  • Священник
  • Paladin
  • Druid
  • Shaman
  • Monk

Kill everyone you see, including the first boss, Orebender Gor'ashan. When you enter the room with the second boss, Kirak, kill everyone here, including the boss. After that, resurrect Leeroy by right-clicking on him. He will talk for a few seconds and eventually a timer called "Chicken Time" will appear. Make sure you see this before you leave Leeroy.

Go further into the dungeon, killing everyone along the way.
Keep going until you reach the room in front of the bridge to the fourth boss, Ragewing the Untamed. Kill both guards guarding the bridge, but not the boss himself.

Go to the room opposite the bridge. This is the room of the Son of the Beast. Kill everyone here, including the caged dragons. Search the boss and sit still until the chicken timer runs out, or run back to Leeroy to escort him if you wish.

He will shout: “Okay, friends, I'm back! Let's do it! Leoooooo... Jenkins! before rushing to the Sons of the Beast room from his original location. When he gets to the room, he will poke the boss, talk a bit, and then you should get the achievement, the reward for the title of Jenkins and him as an ally for your Warlords of Draenor garrison.



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