The Valorant 5.08 patch was big. Harbor has come a long way from India in a new, much cleaner user interface. However, most players didn't like the new interface, some even calling it a downgrade of the iconic Project: A menu. It's good that Riot Games have listened and are now considering a cleanup.

After a mixed response from players, Riot decided to go back to the UI and make their FPS more user friendly.

“We see that perhaps the updated navigation scheme adds a few more steps than you would like. So, for now, we plan to make changes in patch 5.10 that will bring back much of the more convenient one-click access to in-game menus until we can create the best long-term navigation update,” Riot Zulu said. on reddit.

The new Valorant user interface is clean, concise and stylish. But getting to the career screen and other game menus has become much more difficult. Unlike the previous ones, players must go through at least one more screen to get to the right menu. This is inconvenient for players who are used to a simpler interface.

Previously, all in-game menus were just a click away, and while the new interface seems simpler, it's actually a bit more complex. But Riot has taken into account the community's response and will make changes accordingly. The developer does not remake the whole thing, but wants to simplify the current menu. This means players will have easier navigation through the same clean UI and color scheme.

The Valorant Patch 5.08 changes were the first step in an iterative process, so the changes can continue until Riot achieves a perfect fit. According to Zulu, at the moment the main goal is to simplify the current menu.

It is not known when these changes will be implemented, but it may take some time. Valorant Episode 6 Act 1 is likely to come with an improved interface and navigation, as well as a new Valorant Premier mode. But these are all assumptions and should be treated with a grain of salt.



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