Without any The Sims 4 mods, the player managed to romance, sleep and get the Grim Reaper to ask him to be his Sim's girlfriend because the game of life is just weird. The weird features associated with The Sims 4 Grim Reaper are nothing new, but it's still very funny to see some success that has made others lament the lack of love from the personification of Death.

The Sims 4 Grim Reaper appears to pick up a recently deceased Sim, and you can use other Sim traits in an attempt to bring them back. Oddly enough, one option is to flirt with the Grim Reaper in an attempt to win him over. The Sims 4 also allows you to add the Grim Reaper to your family, although he is known to be picky when it comes to finding love.

This is what Reddit user Doryy00 discovered, and not only is it the fun prospect of the Grim Reaper asking a Sim to be his girlfriend, but it seems to have brought players out of the slums who don't take Death well.

What's next for Doryy00 and Death? Well, they've outlined how they want a certain someone to propose. "All the while reaping my sim's teammates who died suspiciously," Doryy00 replies to someone who says the Grim Reaper stole their sim's heart, making it look like they were killing their sims to set up some kind of sadistic cute encounter with Death.

“I just hope he asks my sim to get married as there doesn't seem to be any other way, I think I'll continue discussing marriage with him. I wonder when they get engaged if I can actually marry him and thus add him to the family.”

If this rom-com has got you hooked for ages too, don't worry, as Doryy00 says that Death threw a party, but adds that "unfortunately, there were no skeletons, just a few chicks."

So, this also opened up a fantasy that many players may not have realized before, as they all start complaining about being rejected by the Grim Reaper.

“My Sim was flirting with him and he said he wasn’t interested in me :(,” says one player. “How do you guys do that? Leaves,” adds another.

So how do you romance a Grim Reaper in The Sims 4? It's simple: the addition of High School Years and a lot of patience. Use the Social Bunny app from the extension and according to Doryy00 you "just keep sending flirty and friendly messages. He cannot reject you." If this thread interests you, you can find out all the details and reactions to Reddit.

In the meantime, we recently did an incredibly detailed interview with The Sims 5 Project Rene and took a look at how a tester allegedly also pirated the game.


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