Overwatch 2's mid-season patch notes include a fix for one of the most annoying FPS game menu quirks. Along with nerfing several of Overwatch 2's strongest characters (with the exception of Sojorn) and introducing an aim assist feature for console players in the PC crossplay lobby, the update resolves a visual bug that was causing players to freeze when queuing up for a competitive Overwatch 2 game.

When loading into a competitive match, you're shown a screen of both teams, showing each team's role and their Overwatch 2 player card (including username, profile picture, player card background, and title - the latter can now be properly removed in the latest update). The problem was that the command on the right side of the screen was not neatly aligned as the command on the left side. In addition, the characters were not assigned to roles, but were displayed in a random order.

You might think this isn't anything special - and when compared to other bigger bugs like the Bastion exploit in Overwatch 2 and the Mei ice wall glitch that caused these heroes to be temporarily disabled, it's not. However, it symbolizes a number of minor grievances that players have with the new Overwatch 2 UI. , complaining about lack of the “Blizzard polish” that the company was previously famous for.

Thankfully, this screen has now been fixed and displays players in the correct order (tank top, then DPS heroes, then support heroes) and in a nice aligned format. “Now the game is actually playable,” said one user. post on Overwatch Reddit joked, and the user responsible added: “I don't care if May breaks the game. Name alignment!

For comparison, here's a screenshot of the original matchmaking shared on Reddit by user Aikaros, with outlines added to show the discrepancy:

Overwatch 2 interface patch

Conversely, here's a screenshot of the corrected matchmaking screen from the recent update shared on Reddit by Fortnite user Stormtrooper:

Overwatch 2 UI Patch - New pre-match loading screen, with player title cards properly aligned and ordered

This is definitely a step in the right direction and, along with a number of key bug fixes and blog post from new Overwatch 2 executive producer Jared Noyce detailing the team's plans to increase the number of free rewards given out per game helps to reassure a nervous community that Blizzard is really listening to them. Since most of the comments about Overwatch 2 seem to be related to the monetization model and the overall polishing of the game as a live service, fixes like this really change the public perception.

Our Overwatch 2 tier list will help you know which heroes are the best to pick after going through the loading screen. You also need to make sure you are using the best overwatch 2 settings to optimize performance and maximize FPS on your gaming PC.


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