Few things in modern gaming bring me as much joy as watching new FFXIV players discover the world of Eorzea. As evidenced by all the "critically acclaimed" memes and jokes that surround it, there is no doubt that this is one of best MMORPGs on PC currently - something that I am reminded of every time I watch a new person discover it for the first time. However, many still face one of the oldest pitfalls that puts them at a disadvantage.

After choosing your first class in FFXIV and exploring the game for a while, you'll reach level 30, at which point your class quests will progress into a new set of "quests" that will give you a particularly important item. Soul Crystals, more commonly referred to as "Quest Stones" by players, are given to you during your first level 30 quest and are found in the lower right corner of your character's inventory screen.

Quest Stones in FFXIV are very important because they transform your base class into its final "working" form - for example, a Gladiator becomes a Paladin, a Lancer becomes a Dragoon, and a Sorcerer becomes a White Mage. Later professions, such as the Reaper and Sage from the FFXIV Endwalker expansion, automatically equip their quest gems as they do not have a separate class, but this is not the case for the base game professions. Arcanists may be a little more familiar, as they actually get two stones - one that they equip to work as a summoner, DPS class, and one for the healing Scholar.

Going into dungeons and trials without a Job Stone equipped is a long-standing mistake in the community. I'm sure I did this myself at the very beginning of the game! The problem is that professions provide additional stats and skills that are not available if you forgot to equip a profession stone and are stuck in the base class. It's rare that more than a week goes by without a notable tweet. Reddit, or other forum discussions where players encounter newbies without Job Stones on.

This sometimes happens because FFXIV players have rushed through the main story, which is especially easy these days with experience increases like on the way to 80. Another common problem is that if you change class by switching weapons and clicking "recommended equipment" button, this does not cause you to equip your Job Stone - you have to do it manually.

Whatever the reason, if you're new to FFXIV, here's our official advice on the matter. It's best to prioritize class and job quests once you reach level 30 - you'll see if they're available for your current class under the main scenario quest tracker located in the top left corner of the screen. We also highly recommend creating a gear set for each of your quests, allowing you to switch between them while keeping your Quest Gem safe.

Unfortunately, it's unlikely that Square Enix will change how this works - not only are soul crystals integral to the game's story, but some FFXIV players have found clever ways to exploit the fact that base classes have separate hotbars to create clever ones. job change menu. It's possible that restrictions could be put in place for multiplayer content as well, although there's no telling how much of a challenge this fairly minor issue might prove to be on the developers' side. For now, this will remain a rite of passage for new adventurers - just make sure you're not one of them!



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