Once rare, like a legendary loot drop, new MMOs seem to appear every other month. MMOs offer virtually unlimited freedom in a world populated by huge numbers of players, making them some of the most ambitious games out there. Each promises a vast world, a vibrant community, and enough content to last a lifetime—or at least a few years. Thanks to the development of the free-to-play market, they are more accessible than ever.

New MMORPGs have the potential to be the best games on the PC market, but many of them are on the verge of failure. History is littered with MMORPGs that got their moment in the spotlight or never got the attention they deserve, and our list of the best new MMORPGs includes only those that thrive in communities and aren't going to be grazing anytime soon.

Since the world of MMORPGs is constantly changing, we've also included games with major updates and expansions that provide enough content to make older games feel brand new again. So, from updated sword and sorcery classics to new RPGs, here are the best new MMOs to play right now.

top new mmo


At the moment there are more MMOs with WW2 shooters than there are stars in the sky. Okay, that's not entirely true, but what makes Enlisted different from the rest? For many, this is a team game. You fight against 25 other players in a team of up to nine soldiers, and if you die as one character, you switch back to one of the others.

You can customize your squad to suit your playstyle, meaning if you're a marksman, you can lead snipers or take out the enemy team with bombers, mortars, and attack aircraft. Enlisted was released as an open beta in April 2021 and we look forward to seeing what it has to offer when the finished game is finally released.

new mmos

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

Possibly a base game Final Fantasy XIV is no longer a new MMO, but the Endwalker expansion released in 2021 gave it a welcome breath of fresh air. Endwalker comes with all the usual trappings you'd expect from any expansion: a new level, dungeons, and gear. However, Endwalker takes the definition of “expansion” to heart, taking you on a journey that is like no other in this world—literally. You'll be able to visit new and unexpected places in and around Haidelin, and then head off to the stars. In addition, the game will feature a male version of the rabbit-eared Viera race, as well as the Reaper and Sage classes, which will radically change the way you approach battles.

For those who have been playing since the beginning, Endwalker promises to be a truly satisfying and emotional conclusion to a story that has been told for nearly a decade. But even if you've never played before, there's nothing stopping you from jumping into the game and starting right now. You can even play for free up to level 60, which offers tons of hours of play without asking you to pay a dime; take a look at our list of the best free MMOs if that's what you're looking for.

Best New MMOs: Spellcaster vs. Skeleton with Sword and Shield in Neverwinter.


Neverwinter still boasts a thriving player population and constant content updates that keep this 2013 D&D MMORPG fresh. The latest expansion, Northdark Reaches, was released in November 2022 in collaboration with science fiction writers Geno and RA Salvatore. It explores the events between Starlight Enclave and Glacier's Edge, the first two books in RA Salvatore's The Way of the Drow trilogy. These events will take place in the Northdark Dales themselves, a new adventure zone that boasts a new campaign, dungeons, and encounters. With all this in mind, there's no better time to start diving into the history of D&D.

The best new MMOs

tower of fantasy

Released in China in December 2021 and released in the west the following August, Tower of Fantasy quickly established itself in the MMO world. Within months of its release, she was called the next Genshin Impact, and in some cases - a murderer Genshin Impact. Although these predictions were somewhat premature, it is easy to understand what prompted people to make such a comparison. However, Tower of Fantasy continues to comfortably exist alongside Genshin as an open-world MMORPG with an anime aesthetic.

However, it differs from Genshin in that it eschews high fantasy in favor of a neo-dystopian sci-fi world set in the distant future. You start as an amnesiac Wanderer who wakes up in a human settlement living on the planet Hades after a huge disaster that wiped out most of their population. It's a fascinating world to dive into and there's so much to do with friends that it's easy to see why people put so many hours into this game. The game regularly features many events and activities, as well as an ever-growing list of Tower of Fantasy characters to unlock, each with their own unique and varied abilities. If the world of Hades interests you, our Tower of Fantasy level guide will help you along the way, as well as our list of upcoming Tower of Fantasy banners so you can start saving up for your new waifu.

New MMOs

Lost Ark

Gamers in South Korea have been enjoying Lost Ark since 2019, but it debuted in the West in February 2022. It's primarily a PvE action game, but the combination of ARPG and MMO mechanics is integral to defeating huge hordes of monsters from an isometric perspective. Lost Ark is an odyssey featuring the classic angels vs. demons storyline as you battle the Legion of Demons in an attempt to capture the eponymous Lost Ark. The plot and the passage of levels were compared with Final Fantasy XIV, and the gameplay from moment to moment bears more than a passing resemblance to Diablo.

Lost Ark's reputation speaks for itself: winning six awards at the Korean Game Awards 2019, the game has quickly become one of the most popular new MMOs on the global stage. You can read our Lost Ark to see what we think of her. We also have a handy list of the best Lost Ark classes and some helpful tips on how to get Lost Ark gold. Finally, if you're looking to level up quickly, be sure to check out the Lost Ark Pass and the various rewards and skins you can expect on the premium path.

The best new MMOs

New World

New World is a sandbox survival game that includes all the trappings of a classic MMORPG, set on an island steeped in magic and spanning multiple historical periods. The island of Aeternum was long considered a legend - until you were shipwrecked on its wild and dangerous shores. Unlike most MMOs, New World does not have a specific class system. Instead, you're free to experiment with your arsenal, shaping your character to suit your preferred playstyle. You have a variety of supernatural abilities at your disposal, as well as a variety of swords, shields, bows, and even more advanced weapons such as the devastating blunderbuss. Check out our list of the best New World weapons if you're feeling spoiled for choice.

In true survival style, you can go into the wild and camp anywhere on the island, and team up with other people in strong alliances. You can devote your time to uncovering the secrets and history of the island by digging through its many ruins and dungeons. In addition, you can join one of the three factions of the New World operating on the island, expanding your territory and defending it from invaders in the constant colonial struggle for the future of Aeternum. Over time, your company will be able to participate in siege battles with other groups of players, so there is something to strive for when you first arrive on the island. Check out our beginner's guide to the New World as you make your way to Aeternum.

The best new MMOs

Guild Wars 2

Yes, Guild Wars 2 has been around for over a decade, but it continues to offer new MMO experiences that keep it fresh. The latest expansion, End of Dragons, highlights the mysterious and primordial Elder Dragons who control the cycle of life, death and renewal in Tyria. This story should shake the very foundations of Guild Wars 2's worldbuilding as it stands - but if that's not enough, End of Dragons also includes four new maps to explore, nine elite specializations, and new weapons and armor.

While you're not busy saving the world, you can take to the open waters in your own skiff to soak in quiet solitude after a lunch spent fishing, or explore distant shores with a whole company in tow. You can also sit on the back of a giant siege turtle and send it into battle. No, we are not joking. If you've never played Guild Wars 2 before, our review of Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons proves that now is the time to jump into the game. Or, if you've been playing for a while, why not come back and see what new features and stories it has to offer?

Best New MMOs: Alexstrasza in human and dragon form in WoW Dragonflight, as a flight of dragons returns to the mysterious Dragon Isles in the distance.

World of Warcraft Dragon Flight

World of Warcraft may be an ancient MMO compared to New World and Tower of Fantasy, but—as our WoW Dragonflight review readily points out—the latest expansion breathes new life into old bones. The latest region to grace the map of Azeroth is the Dragon Isles, the original home of dragonflight, which is currently under threat from unknown forces. Dracthyr Evoker is the first playable race and class, allowing players to switch between draconic and humanoid forms, with the ability to soar into the sky without riding and breathe fire on enemies.

Beyond the usual content updates you'd expect from an MMO expansion, WoW Dragonflight heralds a new era for WoW with quality-of-life improvements to combat, gameplay features, and even story. It's still just the beginning, but Dragonflight could prove to be a solid revival for the grandfather of the MMO genre. If you want to revisit the world of Azeroth, be sure to check out our WoW Dragonflight Tier List for the top classes, as well as some important changes to WoW Dragonflight's talent and profession systems. Finally, we have the WoW Dragonflight leveling guide, which is indispensable for reaching the endgame.

The best new MMOs

Black Desert

Like many South Korean MMOs, Black Desert Online was released in stages: it launched in Korea in 2015, and outside of it in 2016. While the game wasn't a bad apple upon release, a free remaster in 2018 took it to new heights. In 2024, Black Desert is, in a word, stunning, and its high resolution can give even the most powerful gaming PCs a run for their money.

Combat in Black Desert is closer to action than traditional MMORPGs like WoW, forcing you to be a little more tactical when it comes to positioning and stamina management. You also don't get stuck on one class, and the wide range of specializations makes it relatively painless to vary your play style. You can engage in massive PvP castle sieges or focus on farming and crafting as you explore the vast world of Black Desert. While Black Desert can be overwhelming for beginners, it also has servers built specifically for beginners that provide bonuses to health and experience to aid character development.

The best new MMOs

Conan Exiles

Many of the games on this list feature character creation tools designed to be completely immersive. Conan Exiles goes one step further and includes an endowment slider, so you can step into the world of Conan confident that your barbarian has a dick built exactly to your specifications. Once you've carefully crafted your character down to the last inch, your first task is to survive. The Hyborian desert is harsh, but you can hunt for food and crafting materials to survive long enough to build a shelter.

Conan Exiles boasts impressive building mechanics that turn a small piece of land into a huge city with the defensive structures needed to keep invaders behind walls. Small skirmishes can escalate into siege warfare, and you can also rely on rudimentary weapons as well as sorcery to take down enemies in action-oriented combat. The latest chapter of Conan Exiles, Age of Sorcery, arrived in December 2022, bringing with it a new battle pass system, bounty hunting, and even more character creation options.

That concludes our roundup of the latest MMO games you can get on PC in 2024. And if you are satisfied with a smaller number of players, then why not check out our selections best offline games

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