Looking for Sims 4 mods that will make your life hell? Some of the best Sims 4 mods can help you in a virtual escapade, turning the game into life into something so different from real life that you don't have to worry about the world while playing. So why not add even more challenging Sims careers and university rejection with some new Sims 4 mods because the real world isn't scary enough while we wait for The Sims 5.

The first of these mods is Kuttoe's "Career Overhaul Suite", which aims to make "career progression more challenging and fun." If I really wanted to, I'd just keep doing my 9 to 5 work, but that's nice.

You can use this Sims 4 mod to add new advancement goals that will increase skill requirements faster, with additional requirements for certain professions such as athletes who need to stay fit, doctors who need more education, and some professions that require maintaining a certain level. glory.

Hourly pay rates have also been drastically changed for your Sims, as lower tier jobs pay less and higher tier jobs pay more, but all jobs have a higher exponential growth curve. A promotion always results in a higher weekly wage, not a loss of money due to fewer working days, and according to Cuttow, this is except in rare cases, such as "leaving a software engineering job to become a professional gamer." ". Oh.

There are other career changes as well, such as higher pay for jobs that require you to be famous if you have Get Famous installed, or the need to interact with Sims at work to improve your relationship with them.

Now, if you want to make your Sim's career even more challenging, you can download the Universities Rejection Letter mod from ilkavelle. Essentially, getting into university in The Sims 4 will now be based on school grades, traits that increase or decrease your chances, and skills.

This means that the lower your grades are, the more likely you are to be rejected, with certain traits (such as being a bookworm, being ambitious, overachieving, etc.) increasing your chances, while others (such as being stupid, laziness, childishness) interfere with them.

If you want to make your Sims 4 life even more challenging and real for no reason, then these two mods are for you. This will definitely make things harder if that's what you're looking for. You can download both mods from CurseForge. career modand University waiver mod available right now.



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