That's right, friends, the last part Hollow Knight: Silksong news confirming that it will definitely, absolutely, 100% be released on PS4 and PS5.

PlayStation herself confirmed the news earlier this week on her official Twitter account (September 16), writing: "Sharpen your needles - I confirm that Hollow Knight: Silksong is coming to PS5 and PS4." Of course, since we're talking about Silksong, this is nothing more than news, but it's good to know that the game will be released on at least several platforms.

Earlier this year at the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase, we received another piece of Silksong gameplay, which confirmed that the game will also be released on Xbox consoles, although it did not specify which ones. It was also announced that the game will appear on Game Pass on the first day, which is a big win for service subscribers. But it hasn't been said if it will be available on any of the extended PlayStation Plus tiers.

Silksong, for those who somehow haven't seen the waves of messages that pop up on just about every Nintendo Direct, is a welcome addition to 2017's Hollow Knight, the insect-themed indie metroidvania from Team Cherry.

Hollow Knight was originally partially funded on Kickstarter, and unless plans change, backers should receive a free copy of Silksong upon release.

The original Hollow Knight received widespread critical acclaim, with many enjoying the world-building, art style, and gritty but tenacious gameplay. Silksong will play the role of Hornet, another character and episodic boss in the first game, who was originally planned to be added as a second playable character in the DLC, but in the end Team Cherry realized that the scope was too big and they needed to make an entirely new game.

Since the announcement, we've only seen snippets of gameplay, which usually doesn't do much to dampen the excitement that players feel about the game.


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