Yes, friends, you understood everything correctly - Nier Automata anime release date scheduled for early January 2023. What better start to the new year than watching a TV adaptation of an adventure game, right?

While we've already reported snippets from the Nier Automata anime, the trailer released on Christmas Day 2022 finally gave us the information we needed: the official release date.

Nier Automata Ver1.1a anime release date set for January 7, 2022, and will be available on Hulu and Prime Video, as well as many different Japanese streaming sites. All of them are listed here.

The trailer shows beloved heroine 2B walking through a smoky battlefield while holding a crippled 9S. “I wonder how long I'll keep fighting,” she says (according to Google Translate, don't sue me) as the music builds to a rather epic crescendo.

We see snippets of the game's first boss fight, beautifully rendered into smooth Japanese-style animation. Based on the snippets we've seen so far, it looks like the plot will play out much like the game, but I expect there will be a few twists and turns along the way—this is Yoko Taro we're talking about, after all.

The Nier Automata anime follows the game's highly successful Arcane and Edgerunners-inspired TV shows, the former garnering award after award and the latter sparking a massive influx of players into Cyberpunk 2077 after its failed launch.

After Bioware jumped the breakwater with Dragon Age: Absolution, we expect to continue to see developers turn their game universes into animated TV shows.



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