What kind best pc games 2022 available today? From global triple-ups like GTA V to charming indie releases like Rocket League, these classic games are the very best games you can buy at Steam.

Finding the best PC games is no easy task. There are quite a lot of them, as you may have noticed. From games to Steam to all the other platforms you love so much, we've never had so much to choose from.

So let us help. Below you'll find our list of the best PC games you can play right now, whether you're using the best gaming laptop or something more entry-level. Oh, and before the shouting starts, this isn't a compilation of the "great games of all time" or an exhaustive list of very good PC games, these are the best of the best for 2022, in our opinion. We've tried to cover a wide range of genres and explain our selections using words. Whether you want to visit City 17 in VR, explore a fascinating abandoned house in What Remains of Edith Finch, or indulge in fantastically depraved action in the sublime The Witcher 3, these are the best PC games you can buy today.

Here are the best PC games of 2022:

Best valorant PC games


CS:GO has been the pinnacle of competitive FPS gaming since 2012, with shooting mechanics that reward mechanical prowess above all else, a weapon economy that encourages constant strategic reshuffling, and perfectly balanced maps. Valorant does all of this, but adds a roster of heroes to the game, each with passive, active, and ultimate abilities. Some of these abilities have CS:GO counterparts, such as smoke screens, flares, and grenades, but there are nuances in how each agent works that make each round feel different.

Learning how to combine agent abilities and apply them to each of the game's maps is a limitless learning curve that always encourages experimentation and unconventional play. Sure, you can learn some basic abilities on YouTube, but if you come up with your own, you'll always have a better chance of catching your opponent off guard.

Valorant may not win over FPS purists, but it's infinitely more accessible and offers new players a path that doesn't require them to be very, very good at head-clicking.

Best PC Games - Half-Life: Alyx

Half-Life: Alyx

A VR game may not be what we all had in mind when Valve announced its first new Half-Life game since the long-abandoned Half-Life 3, but Alyx is not only an amazing Half-Life game, but also - finally -confirms years of VR hype. The scale is certainly smaller than the mainline Half-Life games, but while missions in Alyx often take place in the same building, the level of interaction available to you far exceeds even Gravity Gun. Whether it's highlights like using a wooden beam to play baseball with enemy grenades, or simply clearing clutter from shelves to find extra ammo. It's a good gaming feeling, like the shotgun blast in Doom or Yahoo Mario, but this time it makes you feel as much a part of City 17 as the approaching Combine ships.

Best games for PC RDR2

Red Dead Redemption 2

In the sequel to one of Rockstar's greatest Western games of all time, you take on the role of rugged outlaw Arthur Morgan, a member of the reckless and draining Van der Linde Gang. In Red Dead Redemption 2, you will not only find yourself in a ruthless fictional landscape of the United States, but you will also find yourself in a dangerous world where criminals face extinction, crushed by the responsibilities of law and order, and find yourself in a downward spiral of morality versus survival.

The beauty of Red Dead Redemption lies in the imminent fate of the gang and the stolen campfire moments. Arthur feels a huge responsibility to save and appease his entire hapless family, even the rotten scoundrels who seem to have a damned interest in guiding the group to a disastrous end.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of those games that will stay with you for years after the credits roll. From quiet hideaways where you can track legendary animals and pluck grass from the side of old railroad tracks, to moments of despair as the gang fights desperately against rivals, there's a ton of detail and just as much heart in this world.

best games on pc pubg


The game involves 100 players, and only one can claim the coveted chicken dinner. The premise of a battle royale game is not unique to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and as its popularity grows, more and more variations of the idea are popping up. But what keeps millions coming back to PUBG is that it is the only game that offers a realistic take on the Hunger Games scenario.

Unlike its competitors, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds forgoes all the survival game tricks like crafting and traps, focusing instead on punchy, sim-worthy gunplay and tactics that wouldn't hurt in a SAS training school. The weapons in the game are great, so be sure to check out our guide to weapons in PUBG.

Adding to this gameplay are maps that are completely open to everyone: firefights rage in tower blocks, dangers lurk in humble huts, and don't even think about trying to cross open terrain. Add to that random weapon placement, spawn paths, and an ever-shrinking safe zone, and you've got one of the best multiplayer games on PC - a game that can only be conquered by those with survival instincts to match a sharpened finger.

the best games for the computer Divinity: Original Sin II

Divinity: Original Sin II

The word "simulation" usually comes with an air of seriousness: the responsibility of landing an airplane or the anatomically precise stoicism of freezing to death in the Canadian desert. Divinity: Original Sin II is definitely a simulation. It tracks your body temperature, cones of vision, and whether NPCs will like you based on your appearance and the general mood of the town.

But it's also deeply stupid - it's a light but tough tactical RPG in which most battles tend to result in a series of unintentional explosions. It's two parts Dragon Age and one part Monty Python, and it has a campaign that tells a decent story while leaving plenty of room to have a head on a stick yell at you as you navigate the map.

Bring the action online and Divinity: Original Sin II PvP gets even sillier, while Game Master mode lets you convincingly recreate the unpredictable plot of a tabletop RPG.

Best PC Games - Inscryption: Map of the Pack Rat


Very few games mix genres as well as Inscryption, where simple card game meets atmospheric horror. Who would have thought that you could feel such tension—or, in our case, existential dread—by putting the wrong card on the table?

Inscryption takes inspiration from board games seen on the Wargamer website. The $19,99 price tag is a steal, and the addictive gameplay will leave you wanting more. Plus, this game has more twists and turns than an M. Night Shyamalan movie, but the less we say about it, the better.

Best PC Games - Monster Hunter Rise: A Squad of Players Destroys a Flying Monster

Monster hunter rise

While the base game was a lot of fun, it wasn't until the Sunbreak expansion that Monster Hunter Rise finally felt complete. What starts as a mission to protect your village from rampaging beasts soon turns into an adventure to the other side of the world to stop evil creatures from destroying everything.

Taking on these colossal creatures, whether playing with friends or solo, is a thrilling, heart-pounding encounter with some of the best bosses ever designed.

Best PC Games Hades


After its full release in September 2020 Hades has received many accolades as one of the best indie games and has been featured on numerous GOTY lists, including our own. Two years later, this isometric roguelike is still one of our favorite PC games.

Playing as Zagreus, son of Hades and prince of the underworld, you must fight your way out of hell using various weapons and boons sent by the Olympian gods. With each unsuccessful attempt at a successful escape, you are resurrected in the house of Hades, where you can communicate with friends and use your chambers to purchase upgrades and benefits.

At the heart Hades lies a gripping narrative as well as witty characters and challenging combat, making this game one of the most best roguelike of all time.

Best PC games: Total War: Warhammer 3 - Slaanesh points his sword at the purple sky


Completing an epic trilogy of strategy games, Total War: Warhammer 3 combines the highlights of previous games in the series into one magnificent conclusion. It is the culmination of Creative Assembly's many years of iteration and is the definitive Warhammer Fantasy experience. Seven factions, several different campaign types, and a co-op online campaign are just a few reasons to venture into the Old World once again, but you'll stick around longer than ever thanks to carefully polished play on every level.

It's also a wildly ambitious game, with the expansive Immortal Empires map covering everything Creative Assembly has ever created for the three games in the Warhammer series.

Best PC games: Driving a blue sports car in the pouring rain in Project Cars 3


Historically, driving simulators have focused less on the fun and more on the challenge of driving at speed. For some reason, over the years, “realistic management” has come to mean “unrealistically tenacious and uncontrollable management.” The latest wave of famous driving games is trying to solve this problem, and Project Cars 3 is currently leading the way.

Slightly Mad's interpretation of car physics isn't perfect, but it's probably the closest we've come to a realistic driving experience. You can feel what each wheel does, the weight shift of the car, and every tiny change in surface texture. Most often, cars react to your actions in the same way as real ones. Unsurprisingly, we raved about this game in our review of Project Cars 3.

However, to get the most out of the game there are some caveats: you must use a PC steering wheel and turn off all assistive functions - if you're the kind of player who prefers a chase camera view, this isn't the game for you. But if you are ready to fully immerse yourself in this demanding race, you will discover one of The best racing games on PC. If you love driving games, you should definitely have this gem in your collection.

Best PC Games - Slay the Spire: Player Faces Slime

Slay the Spire

We've seen other developers try to create a roguelike deck builder, but no one has perfected the genre quite like Megacrit's Slay The Spire. It's easy to understand all the deck archetypes for each class, and you can take things to the next level if you include Relics in the game. These powerful items contain special buffs that permanently affect your deck.

Relics open up endless deckbuilding possibilities as you can discover game-breaking combos, but therein lies the problem. In the next 50 tries, you may end up with a different mix of Relics and cards, leading you to discover stronger combinations than you ever imagined. With 20 difficulty levels, a deadly secret boss at the end of every attempt, and four unique classes to explore, it's no wonder that most Slay The Spire players have spent hundreds of hours playing Steam.

best dishonored 2 games for pc


Sometimes in Dishonored 2 you have to kill yourself to save yourself. As Emily Kaldwin, you can throw the Ghost Doppelgänger at street level and jump down onto its head, plunging your dagger into its neck to break the fall and negate any damage.

The purpose of a doppelganger is to distract attention, a way to avoid confrontation. But the Arkane developers want you to break the rules; so that you can see what is behind the veil. You have to experiment to see what's possible - and boy, you can do so much if you're creative enough. In fact, there's so much going on here that Arkane's sneaker is one of the few games we've given a perfect score to.

You can play with these systems in Carnac, a gorgeous, stylized, fictional slice of the Mediterranean. It's one of the most seamless, story-rich environments in video games, with each room telling a story through its own props. Whether you're crawling across rooftops or racing across them with a knife in hand, this place begs to be explored, as do your abilities. If you love games that have both violence and brains, don't miss out on this clever killer simulator. Indeed, this is one of the best stealth games on PC. Not bad for a series that's only a few years old.

Best PC Games: Blast the Lever-Gun Henchman in Deathloop


First-person shooters have been around for quite a long time, so it's hard to figure out how to significantly update the formula. Luckily, there's Deathloop, which has become our favorite game of 2021. You start on a deserted beach as Colt Van, vaguely remembering that you are the head of security on a mysterious North Atlantic island that has been turned into an eternal playground for the super-rich thanks to a time loop machine that resets time every day and ensures that no one ever will suffer.

This doesn't sit well with Colt, which means it's up to you to destroy the eight "Seers" who keep the loop intact, including the mysterious Julianne, who plays with Van on the radio while you uncover the island's secrets and plan your perfect day.

It's Groundhog Day with guns, set in an alternate '60s filled with the chaos that characterized that decade. Experimental Bauhaus art, a driving funk soundtrack, a Dishonored-style array of special abilities, and massive guns that can be used by two people make Deathloop an amazing shooter. But it doesn't end there: to build everything to destroy all the Farseers in one day, you'll have to explore, solve puzzles and plan carefully - or you'll decide to ruin someone else's turn by invading the game as Julianne.

Deathloop is fast-paced and dazzling from start to finish, and it doesn't drag on - although you can invade other players' games as Julianne ad infinitum, the campaign is completed in around 30 hours - and that's time well spent in 2022. 

best games on pc xcom 2


XCOM 2 is a special sequel. Most game sequels are iterative improvements on the formula, but this sequel justifies its existence by being a completely different game. Where Enemy Unknown gave you the support of every government on the planet and asked you to watch it dwindle, in XCOM 2 you start virtually from scratch: a ragtag handful of dubious origins fighting against the might of an alien enemy that has already conquered Earth.

This new guerrilla perspective creates some of the best tactician, the PC has ever seen, and as our review of XCOM 2 on PC confirms, it's one of the best strategy games in years. Timed missions force you to make tough choices between dodging a newbie with your best grenade or a sniper you've lovingly upgraded. Cold, cruel decisions like these will bring you success and guilt - only made worse by the War of the Chosen DLC, which binds soldiers into relationships only to hurt even more when those bonds inevitably break.

Although the release date for XCOM 3 has not yet been determined, the recent XCOM Chimera Squad is a character-focused game with new gameplay options where you can play as both aliens and humans and fight against the movement that threatens the new world in City 31.

best games on pc gta 5


There's a reason GTA V still consistently tops the charts and boasts incredible stats. Steam years after release: it's still the pinnacle of the sandbox genre, not to mention one of the best PC games of all time. Many other open-world games have been released since then, but none can match GTA V's fidelity of the fictional Los Angeles: its sprawling hills, the distant Mount Chiliad, the bulging metropolis, and the dusty trailer parks that surround it.

This world is calling you, begging you to rush through it on a motorcycle, winding between traffic flows. Many games lure us to the top of their mountains, but very few allow us to then base jump from the top of the mountain while sitting on a motorcycle.

Rockstar's crime series usually attracts attention for its violence, but it's not the shooting that drives players to explore its world, but the sense that anything can happen. Rage's sarcasm-based physics engine provides endless entertainment as you fly off hills or get hit in the head by an airplane wing. The fact that you can experience it all online with friends makes it even more enjoyable, and the online portion of the game is now just as popular as the main game, boasting rich GTA RP communities that populate regular citizens like they're part of a rich MMO . There's no two ways about it: GTA V is one of the best sandbox games on PC.



The best RPGs keep their best stories in side quests, and The Witcher 3 contains some of the most memorable and heartbreaking moments in video games.

Its genius lies in how subtly the characters are developed. Take the Bloody Baron - when you first meet him, he appears to you as a hateful, vile man with no redeeming qualities. You don't want to help him. By the end of his story, you'll sympathize with him despite his disgusting flaws. This is dark fantasy at its darkest - a game for adults that is actually intended for adults, full of moments that will stay with you long after the credits roll.

However, when the credits roll, you're left with two of the best expansions in video games. The first, Hearts of Stone, takes a seemingly harmless character you meet at the start of the main game and turns him into the most menacing, unsettling opponent you've ever seen. The second, Blood and Wine, is almost a different game in itself, taking you to the sunny land of Toussaint to combat the growing vampire problem. If you want to lose yourself in another world for over 100 hours, there is nothing better than watching the burning orange sunsets of this beauty.

best pc hitman games


If you thought Hitman: Absolution was a mistake, put those concerns to rest—everyone's favorite bald-headed clubfoot is back in top form in Hitman.

The Hitman series is full of incredible, intense, and sometimes hilarious missions, and this episodic installment contains some of the best. Sapienza is an instant classic that tasks you with taking down a mafia boss in a picturesque Italian town. In it, you can eliminate your target by stuffing an explosive golf ball into his caddy's bag and watching him swing at it. Golf has never been as exciting as it is now.

Whether you're drowning people in the toilet or carefully lining up a sniper shot to the beat of fireworks, Hitman is full of inventive ways to cause death. Each challenge is designed to be played over and over again, begging you to approach it in a variety of ways.

Sequels, Hitman 2 and Hitman 3, haven't done much to perfect the formula, but with a few new sandboxes where you have to kill along the way, they're well worth picking up if you enjoyed the first game.

Best PC games: Battle on the streets of Rio in Overwatch 2


Overwatch 2 is better viewed as a sequel to the first game rather than a full-on sequel. But while the switch to a free-to-play game wasn't much of a hit, there's no denying that OW2's gameplay is better.

The 6v6 hero shooter that took over the world in 2016 is now 5v5, and this seemingly small change has changed the world, opening the maps to more movement, allowing for more individual play, and making the action far more readable. It's a work of genius that's easy to learn but impossible to master, bringing together everything Blizzard and the industry at large have learned about how to engage and retain players.

Even if you don't log into the game regularly, it's impossible to avoid the bombardment of fan art, colorful gifs, and new skins that regularly appear online. Overwatch ceased to be “just a game” almost immediately upon release and will become a cultural phenomenon that will be remembered for a long time. 

Best PC games: Raz holds bacon next to a floating head in Psychonauts 2

Psychonauts 2

New big-budget 3D platformers are an increasingly rare sight in the gaming world, but Double Fine's return to a cult classic makes us long for the genre's heyday. It's a sequel to Psychonauts that improves on just about every aspect of the original: sharper movement, more varied combat, and most importantly, a story that uses its setting and concept to say some really insightful and important things about mental health - and it's clearly delivered on benefits from 15 years of growth in cultural understanding of mental health.

Each level of Psychonauts 2 is based on a character's mind, providing completely different types of gameplay in each case. In one of them, you may find yourself in the mind of a doctor suffering from a gambling addiction, and try your luck in casino mini-games to gain access to the high roller number and fix the situation, while other patients go to great lengths for fertility treatment or life-saving life of the operation. In another, you take on a challenge similar to the cooking show Overcooked on behalf of a man whose fear of judgment is ruining his life. They are consistent in tone, aesthetic and narrative - and always a lot of fun. 

best games for pc alien isolation Alien: Isolation

Alien: isolation

If you've ever watched Ridley Scott's horror film Alien and thought, "I wish I could be inside that movie," then Alien: Isolation is your golden ticket. Creative Assembly's survival horror game recreates the world of Wyland Yutani and the xenomorphs with amazing attention to detail, right down to the computer terminals that flicker and hum like it's 1979 all over again.

But the fact that Isolation perfectly recreates the setting and era of the film is only part of what makes it one of the best games on PC. The real triumph is the xenomorph itself: a lone, unstoppable monster that haunts you throughout your entire playthrough.

What makes the game really great is the adaptive AI system, which means it's constantly learning - if it detects you're hiding in a vent, it'll start looking for vents during subsequent encounters. This turns the creature into a real threat, maintaining a high level of tension both during the game and after you turn off the computer. And if you have nerves of steel, you can connect Isolation to Oculus Rift for one of the best VR games you'll ever play on PC.

best pc games world of warcraft


Still the only MMO subscription that gets it right and always manages to resurrect popularity and quality, World of Warcraft is once again highly recommended. The trough of Warlords of Draenor has left many wondering if one of the most famous games of all time has a future. Luckily, recent additions have shown that she is still alive and kicking and isn't going to be leaving anytime soon. No matter what you enter the game for, it remains one of the best PC games.

Each expansion is a massive co-op RPG storyline, with only the most climactic moments requiring the presence of other people. Of course, if you want to go through the endgame and, together with 24 other players, take down the biggest villains in the world, all this is also there. World of Warcraft's raids remain amazing, and the constant updates and solid content plan make this game one of the best MMOs on PC.

best pc games Her Story

Her story

Let's talk about the revolutionary game. Her Story is made even more impressive by being built on one of the oldest gaming technologies: full-screen video. FMV was used in the days when it was too expensive to make good CGI scenes. Over the years, it began to acquire a reputation for cheapness and kitsch and fell into disuse. However, in Her Story it is used to create a sense of reality.

Where the game shines is in the openness it gives you to investigate the central crime. In other detective games, the investigation often comes down to looking for a glowing object at the scene of a murder. As you can see in our review of Her Story for PC, you'll have to skim through short archived cutscenes looking for clues, typing keywords into the in-game search engine as if you were directly interrogating a woman on tape. Her Story is on this list because no one has tried to copy it since its release in 2015. It remains one of the best PC games because it has no competitors.

best games on pc titanfall 2

Titanium case 2

Titanfall 2 does everything flawlessly. This is simply one of the best games ever made for PC. The flow of pilot combat is still unparalleled in demonstrating how well shooting and movement can combine in a first-person game, even with time-to-kill ratios comparable to Call of Duty. On the other hand, the huge, slow, strategic battles of the Titans are a completely different game mode, and the interaction between the two phases is a completely different fish. Only Doom (2016) - which comes close to having its own entry on this list - rivals the sheer thrill of taking down an enemy Titan in close combat.

Titanfall 2 has some of the best scenery we've ever seen. It's a masterpiece of pacing and structure that manages to make even the sewer level a joy to play. The most famous mission, Effect and Cause, has gone down in history as one of the best, and for good reason - don't ruin your mood, but complete it as soon as possible.

best pc games league of legends league of legends

League of Legends

Trying to decide which MOBA is better is a debate that could go on for hours, but League of Legends is a pretty good place to start. Since its release in 2009, it has become a global phenomenon, consistently ranking among the most played games in the world, and at one point boasting a player base of over 100 million.

Easier to learn than Dota 2, but deeper in mechanics than Heroes of the Storm, LoL is in an ideal position in terms of accessibility while constantly evolving. New and updated champions appear in Rift several times a year, keeping the game fresh despite its age. Each of the best LoL champions is also unique: from ancient gods to pirates and otherworldly monsters, there's a way to enjoy the game no matter what you're looking for.

portal of the best PC games Portal


Portal is perfect. I repeat: Portal is perfect. This isn't hyperbole or questionable lack of restraint on our part: Valve's first-person puzzle game is devoid of any flaws. In fact, the only bad thing about the game was how everyone latched onto the cake line so voraciously.

Play through the game today and you'll discover how well it has aged. Its dimensional portal puzzles feel as fresh as ever (even for those of us who've played through the game a dozen or so times), and the visuals—some utilitarian, some charismatic—are still on point. height.

Every joke hits the mark (even if it sometimes misses due to poor portal placement), and GLaDOS, for our money, is the greatest video game character ever invented. As if all of that wasn't enough to earn a place on this list of the best PC games, Valve also added an incredible, fourth-wall-breaking story to the game. If any of these upcoming PC games can come close to the genius of Portal, they'll be incredibly successful.

Best PC games: Elden Ring - Godrick the Grafted

Elden Ring

FromSoft's Souls series has established itself as one of the greatest games of the last decade, but its reputation for difficulty has likely turned off at least as many potential players as it attracted with its moody, mournful worlds and esoteric narratives. While Elden Ring doesn't stray from the traditional Souls challenges, it offers a much more enjoyable experience thanks to its massive open world - a first of its kind for the studio.

And what an open world it is. Elden Ring's The Lands Between is a revelation: it stretches for miles but never feels empty. Each area is filled with new enemies to outwit, ancient tombs to uncover, strange characters to meet, and fantastic Elden Ring Bosses to fight over and over and over and over until you finally... You can combine knowledge and execution and emerge victorious. Each of Elden Ring's zones includes a "Legacy Dungeon" that's more akin to the more linear do-or-die levels of the Souls games, but each is worth visiting to find the secrets hidden beneath the surface.

But if, for example, a roaming dragon guarding a lake proves too difficult, you can always go explore another location. You are only ever given suggestions, and you can always set out on your own to learn more about the world and become stronger by simply following your own sense of curiosity and adventure. Elden Ring is a good game when taken on its own merits, but it is also it's important game: its approach to open-world game design charts a new course for the genre, toward a world in which repetitive, formulaic actions and endless map icons are a relic of the past. Elden Ring does not have a seasonal reward schedule because the game it reward - and that's more than enough.

best pc minecraft games


This game is over a decade old, but it's still nearly impossible to recommend another sandbox game over Minecraft. Simply put, this is one of the best computer games for creators - so simple that it has become a real phenomenon among children and families. And at the same time, it has enough depth and complexity to support massive communities of modders, architects, warriors, roleplayers, survival experts, game designers and storytellers.

It's easy to forget that behind all those breathtaking Minecraft maps and the best mods, Minecraft remains a remarkably humble game about building a hut to survive among the countless monsters that come out at night. The beauty of her is that she works on both levels, so if you fall in love with her, then you will have endless possibilities for where the add-ons created by the players can take you. Suffice to say, we'll be absolutely thrilled if Minecraft 2 is announced.

best pc games cities skylines

Cities: Skylines

Released shortly after the disappointing SimCity, Cities: Skylines was meant to be a modern, modern city builder, but without the pointless "always online" feel. The developers of Colossal Order did this and much more.

Cities: Skylines is a wonderful tribute to city planning, allowing you to sketch out suburbs and skyscrapers across a lush landscape. However, you can't sit idly by, because once your residents move into their new homes, they'll demand jobs, healthcare, and plumbing that isn't clogged with poop—you'll be putting out the urban fires that are popping up all over your metropolis (literally and metaphorically sense).

Shortly after the release, Cities: Skylines took on a life of its own as modders added new building styles, AI routines, and even the ability to fly over the city in a first-person helicopter. Since then, the game has never been devoid of novelty. Between the best mods for Cities: Skylines mods, updates and new expansions, the game has grown into the most complete and playable city builder.

best pc skyrim games


Bethesda's 2011 open-world fantasy RPG remains a favorite to this day, and for good reason. Skyrim is a colossal game with a thousand stories to tell, whether it's one of the development team's story-filled quests or a crazy tale of emergent gameplay. The freedom that Skyrim offers is liberating, and any mistakes or glitches will be forgotten as you blaze your way 50 hours later as the world's best dragon slayer.

However, long after you've completed all of Skyrim's great quests, you'll continue to play thanks to the dedicated mod scene. From new lands and storylines to monsters, dazzling spells, and the ability to make explosive trains rain down, the best Skyrim mods expand the game's capabilities immeasurably. The best PC games don't end when the final quest is completed, and that's especially true for The Elder Scrolls V.

And while it remains elusive, Elder Scrolls 6 is officially here, so you'd better catch up with its predecessor as soon as possible.

best games for pc rocket league ROCKET LEAGUE


Car Football sounds like a simple concept, and at its most basic level, Rocket League is exactly what it is. You race across the map in a rocket-powered car, trying to hit your opponent's goal with a huge soccer ball.

But take your eyes off the surface and you'll realize that this football runner, as we celebrate in our Rocket League PC, is one of the most complex and demanding sports games ever made. One second of indecision can be fatal, one wheel in the wrong place can cross out the whole match. You'll need lightning-fast reflexes, tactical genius, and mechanical prowess to succeed in a game that's equal parts white-bump racing and FIFA.

At its peak, Rocket League is a fast-paced aerial ballet, a game that takes seconds to understand and years to master.

Crusader Kings 3 game

Crusader Kings 3

We love Crusader Kings 3. Paradox's grand strategy game takes every facet of medieval dynastic life and lets you tinker with it endlessly. From declaring war on your children to discovering that one of your court is a cannibal, this is a Dark Ages tragedy simulation. An updated UI, a more complete guide, even more options for building a kingdom and interacting with other leaders - all in all, we couldn't ask for more from a Paradox game at launch.

If you are looking for a PC game that will teach you a little about the customs of Europe and North Africa before you destroy them in any way you want, this game is for you. With CK3 mods already in high demand, you can be sure you'll never run out of new ways to get closer to the life of a medieval ruler. Check out our Crusader Kings 3 Beginner's Guide to learn how to get started in this sometimes daunting genre.

Here they are, the best PC games you can buy today. We also recommend reading the following articles:


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