Update 2 for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunset will arrive at the end of the month, and Capcom showed off a bit of it at TGS 2022.

The trailer shown at TGS showcases the challenges Elgado Outpost is facing, as well as some of the new tools you'll be using.

Game trailer Monster Huter Rise: Sunbreak TU2

The update sets the stage for the previously announced return of Flame Espinas from Monster Hunter Frontier and the introduction of Violet Mizutsune. This creature emits bubbles filled with combustible gas that can burst into a hell of burning flames.

The update will also introduce an Elder Dragon named Risen Chameleos, who is immune to affliction and can achieve symbiosis with Curio. Thanks to this alliance, the Elder Dragon gained incredible strength and even more insidious attacks.

If you're brave enough to take on any of them, you'll receive crafting materials for new weapons and armor, complete with new skills.

In addition, a new Anomaly quest level will be added, including difficult targets such as Gor Magala and Espinas. Anomaly investigations will also be expanded, with a level increase of up to 120 and new damaging materials. You will be able to unlock new features for Qurious Crafting, including the addition of anomaly slots and other new weapon upgrades.

The title update 2 also introduces layered weapons, which will allow you to change the look of the weapon by combining your favorite stats and designs. This update also includes new paid DLCs such as Master Arlow's layered armor set, layered weapons, gestures, poses, hairstyles, and more.

You can also look forward to new event quests every week, with new monsters and more coming with Title Update 3 at the end of November.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Title Update 2 will release on September 29th.


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