Looking at System Requirements A Plague Tale: Requiem, it looks like the stealth game will be able to serve a wide variety of gaming PCs. However, you will need a current generation graphics card if you hope to meet the recommended specifications.

You can meet the system requirements A Plague Tale: Requiem, without having the best graphics card on the market, as developer Asobo Studio offers an Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon RX 590 that provide enough power. However, don't expect performance to exceed 30fps when using "Low" settings at 1080p.

If you're hoping to push your game's quality settings higher, you'll need to go for an AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT or an Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070. The latter allows you to unlock Nvidia DLSS for further framerate boosts, but both of those pixel pushers should be capable enough to drive A Plague: Tale Requiem at 60 fps using Ultra settings at native 1080p.

System Requirements A Plague Tale: Requiem

(30 fps / 1080p / low)
(60fps / 1080p / Ultra)
OSWindows 10 64-bitWindows 10 64-bit
ProcessorIntel Core i5 4690K
AMD FX 8300
Intel Core i7 8700K
AMD Ryzen 5 3600
graphics processorNVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
AMD Radeon RX 590
Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070
AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT
video memory4GB8 GB
Storage55 GB55GB SSD

Like many other recent games, A Plague Tale: Requiem will run on a hard drive, but installing it on the best solid state drive you have for gaming should greatly improve your gaming experience. Faster storage can help improve load times, but can also impact asset streaming speed, resulting in fewer popped textures.

Compatibility A Plague Tale: Requiem with Steam Deck

Valve hasn't announced which category the compatibility falls into. Steam Deck with A Plague: Tale Requiem. The previous game in the series did get the coveted "Verified" status, so hopefully this latest game in the series will be at least "Playable".


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