Are you playing Overwatch 2 in a support role and is it starting to lose its appeal? While on paper support should be a valuable part of team dynamics in competitive multiplayer, many feel that Blizzard should focus on adding more diverse support characters to the FPS game's roster to help spice up team lineups and strategies.

Look at it another way: in Overwatch 2, teams are made up of five players: two DPS, two supports, and one tank. We currently have 17 DPS to choose from, eight supports, and ten tanks, and there has been a renewed debate that these numbers don't match the diversity of support choices, as effective team combos often dictate the best supports before they're chosen.

That's why one of the support players in Overwatch 2 says we need the next three heroes to be supports to help the role feel fresh and varied. “The lineups are too homogeneous when there are only eight supports to choose from,” writes Tantra_Charbelcher. “DPS options have doubled, but now you need as much support as DPS. I wouldn't say any of the support characters are bad, each one is very different from each other, but when you need 2 supports in every game, we need more options."

With only eight options, if you need to pick a single tank or DPS player for your team, it may seem like those eight options are being cut down even further. If you're hoping for a new support hero to arrive soon, then you're out of luck, as the new Overwatch Season 2 hero has been confirmed to be a tank, and "one that players have seen before."

It seems that increasing the number of supports will remain a pipe dream, at least for a long time. Undeniably, there are not many of them compared to DPS, especially considering that the team consists of the same number of support heroes and DPS.

If you'd like to hear what players have to say about this call for new Overwatch 2 support heroes, you can visit Reddit a thread.


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