Developer Paradox has detailed Stellaris patch 3.7.4, which is out now and brings some welcome changes and improvements to the space grand strategy game following the release of the Stellaris First Contact DLC earlier this month. Changes include a major overhaul of one of the origins added in the DLC, Reckoning, as well as the ability for civilizations to have close relationships when nuclear war threatens to break out.

The Reckoning origin is one of three featured in the expansion, and it starts you off on a planet that has managed to hold off an invasion by a hostile empire - although it's still waiting for you. The new 3.7.4 patch for Stellaris changes several aspects of this origin, adjusting the behavior of debt collectors and MSIs, and should make it smoother. MSI also gets additional naval capabilities and some new starting technologies, making them a bit stronger overall.

There is now a chance that pre-FTl civilizations may face a “near-term” event where the threat of nuclear war becomes imminent. Starbase reactors receive a nice 15% power buff, which should help upgraded citadels use more weapon slots. Meanwhile, hives that contain both Starships and Cordyceps Drones now start with three animated amoebas.

In addition, patch 3.7.4 for Stellaris fixes a number of bugs, in particular, the “Sabotage a Starbase” option did not destroy components, and the Solarpunk society remained neutral after the attack. There will no longer be happiness penalties based on unemployment from standard of living, which will now be determined by job stratum. The AI ​​will also now correctly create vats of clones to keep its colonies alive if it controls a clone army, which is probably for the better.

Patch 3.7.4 for Stellaris

Stellaris Update 3.7.4 Patch Notes

Here are the patch notes for the Stellaris 3.7.4 update, which already out:

Payback Origin Changes

  • If you defeat the debt collectors three times, MSI will use the Humiliation war objective against you instead of trying to vassalize you.
  • Debt collectors will no longer bother you if you are at war with MSI.
  • Fixed Reckoning war objectives so you can't vassalize or indoctrinate killer empires.
  • Slightly increased acceptance by capitulators of payback war goals.
  • Fixed a rare case where the Debt Collectors event chain could be soft blocked if the Debt Collectors were defeated by another empire.
  • Empires of Reckoning now receive a consolation prize if an MSI is destroyed by a Marauder Empire.
  • Fixed an issue where an Empire of Reckoning using an End Threat (Payback) war target against MSI could end up with a whimper and not as intended.

Balance and improvements

  • Civilizations that existed before FTL now have a chance of getting a "near miss" when nuclear war threatens to break out.
  • Increased starbase reactor power by approximately 15%.
  • Mind Hives with Cordyceps Drones and Starships now start with 3 Animated Amoebas.
  • FTL Awareness cannot naturally drop below 10.
  • The espionage operation "Raise Awareness" now prevents the natural decline of pre-ftl awareness for 5 years.
  • The Triumviri ending for Fear of the Dark is now achievable by infiltrating the Fevorian government.
  • Improved MSIs by giving them bonus naval power and starting technologies.
Patch 3.7.4 for Stellaris

Bug Fixes Patch 3.7.4 for Stellaris

  • Devastation Beam now properly destroys the last unforeseen world (if enhanced by the Ascension of Archaeoengineers perk).
  • Fixed the Starbase Sabotage operation, which resulted in starbase components not being destroyed.
  • Fix for not being able to build orbital rings on Fear of the Dark.
  • It is no longer possible to obtain multiple Galatrons from Reliquaries.
  • Pre-FTL hives will no longer produce consumer goods.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Solarpunk society to not attach itself to the galaxy.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Solarpunk society to remain neutral after being attacked.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Sol X and your home planet Beta to overlap.
  • Fixed the Dark Forest achievement not triggering in some cases due to interactions with Marauders.
  • Construction and science ships obtained by selecting the Imperial Domain origin specialization now correctly launch with hyperdrives for empires with the Greedy Explorer citizenship.
  • Fix AI empires building hundreds of observation stations if you don't have First Contact.
  • Empire adjectives are now displayed for German, Simplified Chinese, and Russian.
  • Removing unnecessary progress bar in pure blocker view.
  • Removed happiness penalties from unemployment from living standards, now only apply to work strata.
  • Clone Army AI now creates vats of clones to keep its colonies alive.
  • Starbases now properly reflect their new touch range on a monthly tick.
  • The ancient artillery technology "Saturator" now unlocks the "Back Mountain" section for battleships.
  • Fixed declosion in a pre-float system not properly triggering an awareness event.
  • Broken Shackles empires that have outlawed robots now correctly clear machine and mechanical pops.
  • Terraforming a planet now also has a chance to trigger an awareness boost.
  • Fix crash when view does not have a valid archetype
    Removed the ability to use the "reveal yourself" diplomatic action when you have already revealed yourself.
  • Pre-FTL agreements such as "give technology" are now correctly removed once a pre-FTL civilization becomes spacefaring.
  • Blocked the “Salacious Affair” envoy event from shooting on worlds to FTL.
  • Removed the ability to upgrade on neutral starbases.
  • Fixed a localization issue for the country of Dark Separatist Fear in German, Polish, and Spanish.
  • Added the correct icon for the Negative Media Coverage modifier.
  • If a pre-FTL society has more than one planet, then none of them will remain observable after the society has become fully aware.
  • Dig Sites should no longer generate minor artifacts for users who do not have the Ancient Relics DLC.
  • The icon for the “Deterioration in Health” modifier has been fixed.
  • Class 4 Singularity can now be built as an event reward.
  • Made it so you can't get an option in a spy event that requires an intervention policy that doesn't allow spying.
  • Genocidal empires can now use species assimilation rights aimed at their species. This should fix a situation where Purifier fanatics cannot cybernetically or psionically assimilate lost colonies, breakaway planets, and the like.
  • Adding a missing camouflage characteristic to the ship design screen.
  • Blocking the possibility of terraforming while the planet is under colonization.
  • Fixed crash when loading old saves.
  • Fixed a tooltip error with fleets from defensive pacts in war.



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