The new Operator of the Rainbow Six Siege Solis is a mirror image of the already existing IQ character, except that he plays on the side of the defenders. It may sound incredibly simplistic and maybe even a little tedious, but there are plenty of reasons to be excited about Solar Raid's flagship add-on.

Overview of the new hero Rainbow Six Siege Solis

Let's start with the basic details. Solis is a two-speed defender with two types of armor. She can use either the P90 SMG or the ITA 12L shotgun as her primary weapon, and the SMG-11 as her secondary weapon. Her gadget is the Spec-IO Electro Sensor, which is a pair of AR glasses that allows her to see enemy gadgets through walls up to several meters away. This gadget works in standby mode, but it also has a second function: you can scan an individual enemy gadget so that its location is known to the rest of your team.

While IQ has always been useful offensively, it is only used as a direct counter to hidden gadgets and defender traps - its role is to speed up roam. Solis, on the other hand, is much more versatile, locating attackers early, tracking down drones and, more importantly, guiding other teammates to successfully counter offensive play. Bandit and Caid's tricks can become much more viable as Solis can easily name the right wall panel to place electrical gadgets on.

Solis can also be used proactively by teaming up with another vagrant to hunt down attackers inside a building and use their gadgets to get more information. This is especially useful against trap-style attackers, including the Nomad, those with Claymores, and even intel gatherers like the Jackal. However, IQ players will still have an advantage in 1v1 combat, as Solis cannot use weapons while using his gadget.

How to get a new Rainbow Six Siege Solis operator

New Operator Solis in Rainbow Six Siege will be available after the launch of Operation Solar Raid on December 6th. Like previous operators, it will first be available for a week to anyone who purchases the Premium Battle Pass, and then can be purchased for either 25 Renown or 000 R600 Credits.

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