The new Elden Ring Diablo mod changes how weapons, armor, and items work in FromSoftware's epic open-world game, making it more like Diablo. As the epic adventure from the creators of Dark Souls and Bloodborne approaches its one-year anniversary, many of you are no doubt thinking about returning to Between-Earth sometime in 2023. So far the only sign of Elden Ring DLC ​​is vague hints, and mods are a great way to shake things up, and this is one of the most interesting mods we've seen so far.

The Elden Ring Diablo style loot mod was developed by the wonderful author CornflakeRush, who decided to completely revise the way you upgrade equipment in Elden Ring. The Elden Ring DSL, as they call it, adds a huge amount of "random" loot to the game that can drop from enemies or be found in the world. Instead of the traditional system of using special materials to upgrade the best Elden Ring weapons, you'll actively try to simply find the best gear in nature.

CornflakeRush explains the idea behind the mod: “Instead of finding a weapon and upgrading it to the max, you're encouraged to go and kill enemies in hopes of getting them to drop one of the many, many, many possible pieces of weapon and armor they can offer to improve your physique !

Like Diablo, weapons in Elden Ring DSL have a specific rarity, with eight different levels ranging from "common" to "godly" - the higher the rarity, the more damage they deal, with an increased chance of dealing multiple types of damage. The specific damage value of dropped weapons is also slightly randomized within a given rarity range, and you'll also receive certain modifiers that can boost your character's stats or apply certain effects.

These modifiers will be familiar to RPG fans: prefixes and suffixes are added to the name of the weapon to indicate what it does. For example, the "Brewer" weapon increases damage from thrown items such as pots of fire and lightning, the "Vampire" weapon restores a percentage of health when killing an enemy, and the "Thorn" weapon deals damage when colliding with enemies.

In addition to the stats and buffs, the gear will also come with a random set of Ashes of War, further adding to the urge to go in search of the perfect roll. If you've already discovered much of what Elden Ring has to offer, this new approach should completely change the atmosphere of exploration. It's a good way to bring some more suspense and surprise to something that, after so many months, might become more famous.

CornflakeRush notes that the mod is still in early beta, but they encourage anyone who seems interested in it to give it a try, as they are looking for "feedback and criticism regarding balancing item drops, finding bugs, and most importantly, whether the mod is really funny!". We think this is a very interesting idea and would be a great addition to mods like Elden Ring Enemy Randomizers and other top Elden Ring mods.

The Elden Ring Diablo style loot mod available on Nexus Mods.



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