A new mod has become available for Cyberpunk 2077, and adds cyberpsychosis.

On Nexus, modder DJ_Kovrik created an Edgerunners-inspired add-on that adds a humanity cost system for cyberprogram implants and low-humanity side effects, including cyberpsychosis.

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners - Official Trailer

Wannabe Edgerunner - A simple cyberpsychosis mod that adds humanity as a stat. This rate depends on the installed cyberware, the use of Berserk/Sandevistan and the kills committed. With each implant, your humanity will continually decrease.

On the other hand, using cyberware and killing enemies reduces humanity temporarily, so you can restore it after receiving the Rested effect. Other apartment events such as "Energized" or "Refreshed" would also work.

You can track your Humanity value through the cyberware menu screen or by using the widget that appears above the HP bar.

In short, the mod reproduces what happens when you have too much cyberware installed, as shown in the Netflix series Edgerunner, which is a great anime prelude.

The mod makes it so that when you have too much cyberware installed, you will notice glitches. If you do nothing, you will enter pre-psychosis, which adds a debuff to critical chance and can cause the final stage - cyberpsychosis. This stage increases movement speed, armor value, and health regeneration, and if your character is not in an interior or dangerous zone, it also causes a police spawn. But again, in doing so you lose your humanity.

To prevent low humanity penalties, you can use Neuroblockers, an injector that removes the side effects of low humanity and freezes the loss of humanity points while it is active. You can buy it at some Ripperdocs, and you can also make Neuroblockers with a prescription, available at several medical stores.


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