Football Manager 2023 real name fix is a long tradition for regular football players. The real names of some clubs and competitions have been replaced with similar but obviously incorrect names, such as "Man UFC" in the "English Top Division", or every club in Brazil has been replaced with three-letter acronyms in a management game.

Luckily, there is a solution for this, and it's incredibly easy to set up. Here's what you need to know about how to install the Football Manager 2023 real name fix so you can choose one of the best teams to manage and lead it to success among the right-named clubs.

Football Manager 2023 real name fix

Instructions to download the Football Manager 2023 real name patch:

Dealing with a real name fix is ​​simple and requires a simple download, just like the best logo packs and skins.

Step 1: Download the Real Names Fix

The Football Manager FM Scout website provides the community with its “Correction of real names" for many years now, with a database including the real names of all clubs, leagues, cups, awards and more.

Step 2 - Extract the files

Real Names Fix comes as a compressed ZIP file, so you will need to extract the files to a temporary location for later use. Ideally, somewhere where you can easily find it - install either WinRAR or 7zip for this if you don't already have them.

Step 3 - Locate the 2300 folder

This is the folder where your Football Manager data is stored. Copy the location of your operating system and launcher, and then paste it into File Explorer.


Steam - Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonFootball Manager 2023datadatabasedb2300

Epic Games - Program FilesEpic GamesFootballManager2023datadatabasedb2300


Steam - /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2023/database/data/db/2300/

Epic Games - /Users/Shared/Epic Games/FootballManager2023/database/data/db/2300/

Step 4 - Replace old files with new ones

Open the "Inc" folder and then open the "all" folder you find inside. Delete everything in the "everyone" folder, then from the file you downloaded in the first step, move "FM23 Hotfix by FMScout.Inc" and "FM23 Club Names by FMScout.Inc" into the "everyone" folder.

Step 5 - Remove "fake.edt"

Go back to the "2300" folder and open the "edt" folder and then open the "permanent" folder you find inside. Delete the "fake.edt" file

Step 6 - Remove more files

Go back to the '2300' folder and this time open the 'dbc' folder and then once again open the 'permanent' folder you find inside. Delete the following files:

  • 'brazil_kits.dbc'
  • 'forbidden names.dbc'
  • "Licensing2.dbc"
  • Licensing2_chn.dbc'

Step 7 - Launch the game

Load the game and all unofficial names should be replaced with the correct ones.

If everything went well, you should now have the Real Names patch installed. You will no longer look for Spanish Premier Division prodigies instead of La Liga, see players win the Ballon d'Or instead of the Ballon d'Or, or win Brazil in the save with the FLA instead of Flamengo.



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