One player created the ultimate Elden Ring character crossover as they recreated a number of iconic Game of Thrones characters in a fantasy game. If you've enjoyed the new House of the Dragon prequel series, you'll likely enjoy these frankly amazing character creations that are the spitting image of their Game of Thrones actors.

Created by Reddit user Lady-Macdeath, a number of Game of Thrones characters have been reimagined as Elden Ring, with Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage) being the most accurate and impressive in my opinion. The photo link looks amazing, and Lady Makdes also somehow managed to get a very similar facial expression for the character, which helps tie it all together well.

In addition to Tyrion Lannister, there is Jaime Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Sandor Clegane, aka the Hound, Brienne of Tarth and even the Night King. By popular demand, Lady-Macdeath even uploaded videos showing slider settings in the process of creating Elden Ring characters for many of these Game of Thrones characters, so you can make your own.

All of this also makes me dream of a full fledged RPG set in the A Song of Ice and Fire universe, as there have been a lot of Game of Thrones games released since the show started in 2011, but nothing quite like games. like Elden Ring. However, Lady Makdes' work here is incredible, and it may be the closest we'll come to a huge new Game of Thrones RPG.

That's not all Lady Makdes has done in Elden Ring, as they've recreated characters like the Joker, Dr. Emmett Brown, Metal Gear Solid's Raiden, and Salad Fingers, and why not. You can see more of Lady Makdes' work on their Reddit profile.

Despite the game being released earlier this year, players are finding plenty of fun ways to get back into the game with Elden Ring, such as having a group of invaders turned into Bloodborne PvP bosses.

If you need help with Elden Ring after watching these Game of Thrones creations, we've got plenty of guides. You can check out our best Elden Ring builds, full list of Elden Ring bosses, as well as the best Elden Ring classes.


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