Ubisoft's Anno 1800 game is currently celebrating its launch on consoles with a free week that's rolling out to PC players as well, meaning the city builder is temporarily a free-to-play PC game. However, if you want to take advantage of the offer, you will have to go beyond Steam, as the offer only applies to the Ubisoft Connect and Epic Games store versions.

Anno 1800, as the name suggests, puts you at the head of a civilization at the dawn of the Industrial Age. This means that you have great potential to explore the technological innovation and rapid development of that era. You will want to use diplomacy, trade routes, and perhaps even war to ensure your success at this turning point in history.

For those who prefer to play solo, there's a campaign story mode, as well as customizable sandbox options with the ability to use individual AI opponents and randomly generated maps to keep things fresh. There's also the option of online co-op or competitive play if you want to test your skills against other real players in Anno 1800.

Anno 1800 is free to play from March 16 to March 23. You can play either through Epic Games Store, or directly via Ubisoft connect. If you wish to continue playing after this, then by March 23 on all platforms (including Steam) is 75% off and your progress can be carried over from the free week.

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