One of the bugs in Overwatch 2's Lucio skin puts players at a disadvantage without them even realizing it: Enemies can spot them through walls in Blizzard's FPS game. Like it or hate it, fashion is a very important part of any competitive multiplayer game these days, and getting cool skins for your favorite Overwatch 2 characters is a great way to personalize your experience and add a little personality to your look. However, one skin in particular may be more trouble than it's worth.

Players on the Overwatch Reddit are highlighting Lucio's "Snow Fox" skin, which was originally introduced in the first game during the Winter Wonderland event in 2018. While the legendary Lucio skin is not currently available for purchase in Overwatch 2, fans of the original game who unlock it will have access to it in the sequel, and it will likely be offered in the in-game store during the upcoming Winter event.

Players noticed that ice mist effect from boots and weapons Lucio You can see enemy players through the walls. Obviously, this is a big problem for any hero, but for someone like Lucio it is especially noticeable. The music-loving Brazilian support specializes in using his wall-walking ability to stealthily flank or get into tight spots during teamfights, allowing him to catch enemy players off guard with a well-timed “boop” that knocks them out of position (or off the map altogether).

Another common Lucio tactic is to stay out of sight during an upcoming big teamfight if you're expecting a dangerous enemy ult like Sombra's EMP. This allows Lúcio to move in close after using an ability and "bounce back" with his Ultimate ability to keep his teammates alive during times of danger. All of these tactics—flanking, careful positioning, and hiding—become virtually useless if the enemy can see exactly where you are through walls.

The bug was first reported by players a few days after the release of Overwatch 2, but until now it has gone virtually unnoticed. We hope this issue will be fixed as soon as possible; We've reached out to Blizzard for comment and will update this article with any response. Meanwhile, the Junkertown map is expected to return from a hiatus along with Bastion and Torbjorn on October 25, after all three maps were disabled due to various issues - most notably a rather botched exploit of Bastion's ultimate that allowed him to devastate enemy teams.

At this point in Overwatch 2 continues double XP weekend, so be sure to join them and level up your Overwatch 2 Battle Pass as much as possible.


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