If you are looking for information on how to create better builds Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, then we have a guide for this case. IN Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty it might seem like it has a slightly fancy setup when it comes to crafting, point distribution, stats and affinity, but it's actually quite simple once you get past the confusing way it's presented.

As with any traditional RPG, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty you earn experience by defeating enemies. Here it is called Genuine Qi, and this is what you will spend to get new levels in the game. Real qi can also be obtained with certain items containing varying amounts of qi.

You'll encounter them as you explore (and you really should), but nothing you haven't seen before in other similar Souls.

Where is the best place to invest your points in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty?

The standard stat groups are referred to in the game as five phases, representing each of the five elements from Chinese myths: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. As you might expect, each Virtue has its tokens among the others.

But it's also useful to look at them as fancy names for what used to be called strength, endurance, and so on. Indeed, the level up menu already shows each individual stat that is affected by each of the various phases, so you can't go wrong which is which.

By investing a point in any of the Virtues, you will see that the corresponding characteristics will be highlighted in the same color. You can do this without confirming your decision, just to see the potential benefit you could get.

The same screen even counts your equipped weapons and will show you how much more damage you can get by investing in different phases.

Invariably you will have the primary stat that has the most points, maybe a secondary stat, and a few points spread across the rest. That's why it's useful to look at low-level sorcery spells to see if something can be gained by simply putting three or four points into them.

builds Wo Long
Check out this screen.

How to create builds in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

Generally speaking, there are a few things you should keep in mind when creating an assembly in Wo Longbecause how you play the game will influence where you spend those points the most each level up. If you enjoy carrying heavy slow weapons, you will probably gravitate toward heavier armor. This, in turn, means you'll be dropping a lot of points on the ground, which will increase your gear load limit.

Various types of weapons in Wo Long also scale with different elements, so invest in stats that synergize with your favorite sharp item.

Magic is actually a version of magic Wo Long, and this is another important element that will guide your build in one direction or another. This is simply because there are five elementary trees corresponding to the five phases.

While you can acquire all the skills in these trees, many of them will be unusable until you reach a certain level in this phase/virtue. In other words, if you like fire-based spells, many of your points will go straight into this phase.

The same is true for the effectiveness of each spell. Even the starting spells will deal more and more damage the more you put into this phase. This is pretty easy to check as you will be able to see the damage dealt to the enemies.

It's important to figure out what style of play you're working on and what element you think will complement it. The good news is that there is no limit to the number of attempts to create an assembly.

Wo Long allows you to override all your investments an unlimited number of times without any penalties or the need for a special item. The ability to change the spec opens shortly after you reach the central area (Hidden Village), which happens in the first two hours of the game.

builds Wo Long
Weapon scaling matters, but it's best not to worry about it until New Game+.

Explanation of the five phases Wo Long

Before going too deep into builds Wo Long, score distribution and continue with our guide, you first need to understand what each of the five phases are, what stats they affect the most, and the play style each one supports.

Wood created for players who like to have the maximum amount of HP. This is the single most effective phase for improving your health. It is also responsible for strengthening Spiritual Protection - it makes it harder for enemy attacks to fill the Spirit bar and wears you out. Think of Wood as a survival path.

Fire sort of a dexterity of this game. It is designed for aggressive players who want to make the most of their weapon damage as well as the power of Weapon Skills (martial arts). Fire also greatly increases your Spirit, which means you can use your Martial Arts more often, so it all feeds off on its own.

On the contrary, Lands is more defensive. It is responsible for loading gear, so defensive/patient players who like to equip heavy armor or wield slow weapons should use it. Similarly, Earth rewards players who deviate with a solid spirit gain rate after successfully deviating, another thing that is directly related to this playstyle.

Metal very focused on magic and debuffs. The spec in metal means your magic spells will cost less and your spirit gauge will hold any accumulated blue/positive juice for much longer. The angle of the debuff is due to the fact that poison is the preferred element under the metal tree.

Water is quite unique among the Virtues because it is mainly for players who like to hide, rely on ranged weapons, and be as stealthy as possible in close combat. Being harder to spot means you'll land a lot more Critical Hits and Backstab on your enemies. But you may not even need to get close, because the power of your bows and crossbows will surpass any other Virtues.

builds Wo Long
Always ride with the homies

Companions can jump-start your build adventure

Continuing the build guide Wo Long, we will stop on companions. In an effort to make the game more accessible, Wo Long introduces a reinforcement system that allows you to hire up to two NPCs to accompany you all the way to the boss and also help you fight him. Most missions actually start with one that already follows you, but while the benefits of having an ally in combat are obvious, there is another level that is directly related to building a build.

You see, each follower has a certain bond level that grows the more enemies you kill together. When he reaches ten, the maximum Oath level, you will be rewarded with their full set of equipment and weapons.

As you can tell, each of them is associated with a particular Virtue/element, and you'd better believe that their equipment is designed to complement said Phase. If you stick to the same followers, you can get sets of them pretty quickly. Cups of Heartiness also increase experience gain, so offer them to followers whose gear you need the most.

Combat sets Wo Long

Considering the ease with which you can remake your entire assembly into Wo Long, the Battle Sets feature provides a more practical use of this freedom. A Battlepack is essentially gear, but it stores more than just equipped gear and weapons.

In fact, all of your investment in stats and your chosen sorcery spells are also saved. In other words, you can have an Earth build ready with the gear and weapons of your choice and switch to it on any battle flag. There are more slots than phases, which means there's a lot of room for builds that don't fit in a certain phase, experimental builds, and the like.

You can easily switch between battle sets (and also save/rename/overwrite) in the "Prepare for Battle" section in the "Battle Flags" section.

That's all you need to know to create the best builds. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty and we hope our guide helped you.

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