I wonder how and where to get blue ice in Minecraft? If you want to build an igloo house or an ice castle that can't melt in Minecraft's survival mode, consider using blue ice blocks as your main building material. Like packed ice, this block of ice cannot thaw, allowing you to create a winter ice home in the middle of an arid desert. In addition, its surface is exceptionally slippery, which is ideal for creative builders to make an ice skating rink at their base. Alternatively, the blue topaz color of blue ice blocks offers an attractive azure hue that can be used to create various types of jewelry.

Where to find blue ice in Minecraft

blue ice minecraft

There are two main ways to get blue ice blocks in Minecraft. The first is the discovery of natural blue ice in frozen ocean biomes near snow-covered beaches. Blue ice can appear on the bottom of icebergs under the compacted ice of ice structures, or they appear as random accumulations of ice of their own. For example, we found a unique arch structure made entirely of blue ice that had broken away from the icebergs of the frozen ocean. The color of the blue ice is markedly different from the packed ice, featuring a more contrasting hue with a less greyish white.

You can also find blue ice in the chests of village houses in the snowy tundra or in the available offers of itinerant merchants in Minecraft. However, the likelihood that these springs provide blue ice is low. So instead, you're better off looking for frozen ocean biomes.

Craft blue ice in Minecraft

blue ice in Minecraft

You can also create blue ice in Minecraft using nine blocks of packed ice, a material found in abundance in frozen ocean biomes. However, whether you're harvesting blue ice directly or compressed ice as a crafting material, your tool must be enchanted with Silk Touch. The best way to get Silk Touch is to do business with a Librarian villager and reset their profession until they give you an enchanted book with Silk Touch. After using an anvil to enchant your tool, you can get Compacted Ice or Blue Ice from Frozen Oceans in Minecraft.

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