Looking for the best truck games on PC? Truckers and truckers have become mythologized in pop culture as modern-day cowboys hauling important cargo across harsh, lonely landscapes and spending their days in their own company. Over the past few decades, this experience has been embodied in video games in many forms, from Mad Max-like highway combat games to full-fledged simulations in which trips take as long as in real life.

You might think that there aren't many truck games, but as you'll soon see, these huge cargo-carrying behemoths cover many genres, including popular truck simulators, as well as physics-based puzzles, platform games, and racing games. So whether you want to dive into a long drive across the Pacific Northwest, want to haul your cargo through the same muddy ditch for hours, or want to race your truck around a chicane race track, we've rounded up the best PC games for truck lovers.

truck driving simulator game

American Truck Simulator

ATS is actually a sequel to Euro Truck Simulator 2 which you will find below. As such, many of the mechanics, physics, and overall pace of the game are the same. The only key difference is the setting, and this is very important for a game where you spend hours looking out the window. The US states of California, Nevada and Arizona have been meticulously crafted, from small details like signage illuminating a seedy mall to major landmarks like the Las Vegas Strip. After hours of driving down a deserted highway, the bright lights and narrow streets of a city like San Francisco feel like an adrenaline rush.

You start out as a freelancer who can take jobs from trucking companies and start collecting savings to buy your own car. Once you have the funds, there are a lot of other things to think about, and the real "simulator" will begin, when you have to deal with everything from fuel costs, accommodation to the right insurance.

The best truck games

Euro Truck Simulator 2

The ATS predecessor has become a little less polished - although SCS Software has confirmed. , but remains one of the most compelling truck simulators in the world. Almost everything that makes American Truck Simulator great was first created in Euro Truck Simulator 2, from the amazingly fun role-playing mechanics and controls to the realistic and weighty controls.

Europe boasts many trucker-specific challenges not found in the United States - narrower roads, varying international traffic regulations and roundabouts. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is also older than ATS, which is generally a positive thing in the sim community as it means the game has more content like map expansions and truck brands. The base European map is also much larger and tighter than its American counterpart, so if you're after more variety, then Euro Truck Simulator 2 might be the best option.

truck games


Like its predecessor, MudRunner, SnowRunner is brutally difficult, unrelentingly relentless, and will consume a colossal chunk of your life for shockingly little progress. No, don't go! It's certainly not for everyone, but if exploring vast open worlds spewing carbon from huge powerful engines and battling carefully modeled elements is to your liking, then you'll have a good time. We happen to love this game as our SnowRunner.

The game's astounding mud, snow and water physics create some of the most challenging landscapes in gaming, while the rumbling big trucks and little scouts are a joy to drive around. Yes, you will regularly spend up to 20 minutes clambering out of deep, sticky mud, but when you get out - after carefully balancing the throttle and steering in low gear with the differential lock engaged - you will feel like superhuman. It's as satisfying as beating a Dark Souls boss, which is a lot of praise.

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Best truck games on PC

Hard Truck 2: King of the Road

The game about trucks Hard Truck 2 tries to take into account all the nuances. There's a lot of controls and simulations here when it comes to managing jobs, transporting goods and hiring an ever-growing workforce, but also plenty of racing and aggressive driving - consider this Euro Truck Simulator 2 meeting GTA 5.

With 12 different trucks to choose from, from tiny trucks to 18 wheeled big trucks, you have plenty of options when it comes to avoiding police speed traps. Despite the elements of the simulator, you can enjoy racing along an uncharted dirt track or bulldozing competitors from the road. The main thing is to deliver the goods to the destination on time. This game is definitely more gritty than some of the other truck games listed here, but it delivers a lot of the same thrills.

Trucker games

cluster truck

This game is, uh, not exactly a truck game. However, it has trucks and it has the word "truck" in its name, so we tend to challenge your preconceived notions of what truck games are all about.

Clustertruck is the platformer you've probably dreamed about as a passenger in a car, looking out the window and imagining someone parking on the horizon. The only safe places to land on this freeway of death are the tops of trucks, but the obstacles get more outlandish as you progress through the game, so you'll avoid slow-motion explosions, swinging axes, and gravity shifts by the end.

Best truck games on PC

FIA European Truck Racing Championship

Hauling cargo is fun, but every once in a while you start wondering what it's like to leave a Scania around a corner like it's a Ferrari. The official game of the FIA ​​European Truck Racing Championship perfectly captures the weight, speed and sheer impracticality of these racing behemoths. It's tire smoke when several trucks brake before a turn, and constant control of brake temperature and water level, and the difficulty of overtaking, when even on the widest sections of the track two trucks can hardly squeeze side by side.

You can try truck racing in other games like Project Cars 3, but the FIA ​​European Truck Racing Championship is the only dedicated option.

Best truck games on PC

Forza Horizon 5

There are only a handful of fully-fledged trucks in Forza Horizon 5, but driving through the vast, off-road expanse of Mexico is more than enough fun to make up for the lack of choice. There are several truck racing competitions and since this is a racing game, all trucks are upgraded and tuned for speed and handling. Whether you're racing across a fancy field in a Unimog at 100 mph, or putting on fake branding on your Volvo and obeying the rules of the road, there's time for truck fans in this racing sandbox. Check out our Forza Horizon 5 review for our full verdict.

And this is a list of the best truck games on PC. If you prefer games of a different genre, then we advise you to familiarize yourself with our other selections.

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