Changes to Modern Warfare 2's ghost perk and changes to the perk system in general have been some of the most controversial discussions around the new Call of Duty multiplayer. Not only do you have to reach level 52 to unlock the CoD perk, you also have to earn it in matches, and now it looks like it doesn't even work properly in an FPS game.

A trusted and proven part of Call of Duty multiplayer, Modern Warfare 2's ghost perk should, on paper, protect you while you play by preventing your own red dot from appearing during UAVs, on handheld radars, or on heartbeat sensors. As with the best weapons in Modern Warfare 2, working perks are a staple.

The problem is that this is not the case when you fire your weapon in the latest CoD, even if it has a silencer. Youtuber and content creator Jackfrags did some experiments in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer and found out with video evidence that even if you have a ghost equipped and unlocked in a match, it might just not work and it doesn't matter. which Modern Warfare 2 map you are on.

For starters, neither loud nor muted weapons appear on the minimap, but loud weapons do appear on the compass. When the UAV is used, two of the enemy team (one with a ghost, one without) stand next to each other, and the ghost user does not spawn as expected. However, when a player with the ghost perk fires, they will briefly appear on the UAV, despite having a perk that prevents this from happening.

You can see Modern Warfare 2's ghost perk not working in the JackFrags video below (clip starts at 10:13).

After several more rounds of experimentation, Jackfrags was still unable to figure out exactly what the problem was. As such, it's not clear if this Modern Warfare 2 CoD ghost perk minimap issue is a glitch or intended feature, or if it will be addressed by Infinity Ward. If you want to reach level 52 to unlock the ghost faster, we have a guide on how to get Modern Warfare 2 Double XP Tokens in the game.

Recent Modern Warfare 2 patch notes didn't mention it either, so it looks like it might not be on (sorry) Infinity Ward's radar. Despite this, Modern Warfare 2 has received a host of fixes and updates with the patch, such as the return of weapon customization and UI refinements. However, the ping system is still disabled due to a Modern Warfare 2 bug that raised some "wall hacking" concerns.


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