Titan Forge Games by Hi-Rez has unveiled their new god Smite, Maui, hailed as the "Hawaiian Hero" and a legendary figure in Polynesian mythology. Once added to the game, Maui will be able to use his magical fishhook to catch enemies, and will also help his allies with magical blessings. Some players are already hoping that Maui will rise through the ranks and become one of Smite's top gods.

Although Maui is technically a demigod, folklore states that Maui was born human but was adopted by the gods when his mother sent him to sea during a famine. He returned with the powers bestowed upon him by the god of the waters.

Mythology says that Maui formed the Hawaiian Islands while fishing. He tricked his brothers into believing he had caught a big fish, but instead hooked his hook on the ocean floor. With the help of his brothers, they rowed with all their might, causing the ocean floor to rise and form the Hawaiian Islands. Smite's cinematic trailer shows Maui hauling out the islands with his fishhook, a nod to the folklore surrounding the mythical god.

Hawaiians also credit Maui with slowing down the rotation of the Sun around the Earth, making the days longer in summer and shorter in winter. Collectively, Maui represents resilience and strength, making it a welcome addition to Smite.

The Hi-Rez team has stated in the past that they have multiple goals with each Smite god, which range from filling in game balance gaps, pantheons, or personality gaps in the game.

Reddit discussions since 2016 showed players insisting on Maui's appearance in the game, suggesting he was a great fit for her spirit. Maui is the second Polynesian god in the game. Another Pele goddess of Fire, Dance and Wind, Volcanoes and Violence.

Many may know it from the popular Disney movie Moana, but Maui is a longtime force in Hawaiian and Polynesian mythology. While Smythe is no stranger to crossovers, having hosted themed events with Nickelodeon, Transformers, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the character is not dependent on any affiliation to the popular children's film.

However, Maui is also an unlockable character. Disney Dreamlight Valley, so players who can't wait for it to appear in Smite can temporarily find it there.

Smite makes our list of the best PC MOBAs, being a globally recognized game with a thriving esports scene and huge prize pools. With over 35 million players, the third-person multiplayer online battle arena continues to thrive more than eight years after it first arrived on PC in 2014. There are currently 122 playable characters in the game, most of which are modeled after gods from cultural folklore from around the world. , but they all belong to the realm of mythology and legendary characters.

Maui's character will be fully revealed on October 12 at 8:00 AM PST / 15:00 PM EST / 20:00 PM PST / 9:00 AM EDT during the Smite Updates Show, and the character will be available to play in the game October 18th.


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