Modernization Destiny 2 PvP in Season 19 will add a ranked Crucible mode, as well as make a number of changes to playlists, matchmaking, rewards and other aspects of the FPS game, according to the developers' latest This Week at Bungie post.

Update from community manager dmg_04 also shared additional details regarding the Season 19 Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner updates, noting that this season will also feature the Legacy Armor set from Destiny's original The Taken King expansion. TWAB also shared information on what players can expect from the upcoming community event. Destiny 2scheduled to start on November 22nd.

Starting from the release date of season 19 Destiny 2, Bungie will introduce a new competitive division, Crucible, essentially a ranked Crucible mode for competitive play. Guardians will be randomly encountered in Survival, Rift, or Showdown mode. The mode will have seven divisions, starting with Copper and ending with Exalted, with three subsections in each division.

The competitive division will reward less experienced players by offering additional Crucible reputation for earning and maintaining ranks. In addition, players will have the opportunity to earn a Legendary Hand Cannon called "Rose", which is a returning legacy weapon. By completing the Competitive Division's introductory quest, players will receive the gun with its original benefits, and can then continue to earn new upgrades each week while participating in the Competitive Division.

Next, starting with Season 19, the team will combine Control and Clash into one Quickplay playlist and include less popular modes such as Momentum Control, Mayhem, Team Scorched, Rift and Rumble in weekly rotators.

Players can also expect a new Crucible seal called Glorious and an engram focus for Crucible vendor Lord Shaxx.

Next season will also feature a new Iron Banner mode, Fortress. The Bungie team describes Fortress as being similar to Clash, but with an extra twist.

Iron Banner members will have the chance to earn the Legacy Armor set that appeared in the original Destiny expansion, The Taken King, perhaps one of the most beautiful sets in the history of the franchise.

The team plans to roll out updates to Crucible matchmaking that will take skill, connection, and team size into account. Bungie also plans to test new matchmaking methods in Trials of Osiris. In addition, Trials players can expect a new machine gun and 140 hand cannons.

The developers have also promised that players will see two new returning Crucible maps at some point after the release date. Destiny 2 Lightfall, and expect to release a new map sometime within a year of the expansion's launch.

Bungie has implemented updates to its anti-cheat software, BattlEye, but has not provided details for security purposes.

The post also details the upcoming community event Destiny 2, confirming that it will be linked to the Eliksni quarter. The event will require Guardians to help improve and maintain the area by collecting and donating special currency. The event will start on November 22 during the weekly reload Destiny 2 and will last for two weeks.

TWAB also shared updates regarding the Season of Plunder Triumph seal and the Scallywag title. The Bungie team has made it much easier for players to print. For example, players now only need to defeat 10 Rufians (down from 50) and complete 14 vendor upgrades (up from 23).


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