As intoxicating as it was to be the best game in the series while sharing the same title as the original, the Modern Warfare reboot wasn't half bad. We spent a lot of time in the MW2 multiplayer beta ahead of its full release later this month, and found it to be a solid (if a little chaotic) Call of Duty experience.

But we have to wonder: in a world far removed from the original Modern Warfare 2, which cemented CoD's absolute dominance on the 360 ​​platform in 2009, where does 2's MW2022 multiplayer fit in a crowded market full of free-to-play competitors? ? Not just the Fortnites and APEXs of this world, but also its own Battle Royale spin-off, Warzone, which itself is getting a sequel in Warfare 2.0, releasing next month as part of MW2's first season.

Traditional CoD multiplayer certainly offers a different experience than the Battle Royale shooters it sits alongside, providing a selection of classic modes and plenty of maps to play through. And, frankly, not everyone is a fan of the free-to-play model: in a world where Battlefield is floundering and Halo is trying to re-establish itself, Modern Warfare 2 is, quite frankly, the best premium shooter out there;

And it just had the biggest beta in CoD history, so there's still plenty of life left in the old dog.

Modern Warfare 2 will be released on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S on October 28.


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