Looking for the best Bryson 890 equipment in Modern Warfare 2? The Bryson 890 makes our list of the best shotguns in Modern Warfare 2 thanks to its detachable magazine, making it the fastest shotgun of all. If slow reload times are your biggest concern when it comes to using a shotgun in Activision's multiplayer, the Bryson 890 is a great choice. Using the Modern Warfare 2 Gunsmith system, we opted for freedom of movement and directional bullet spread through ADS and recoil control. Here is our best Bryson 890 boot in MW2.

Bryson 890 Best Gear

Here are the best fromdressing up Modern Warfare 2 Bryson 890:

  • Muzzle: Bryson Improved Choke
  • Underbarrel: VX Pineapple
  • Laser: Tactical laser STOVL
  • Trunk: 21,5" Bryson Tuckfire
  • Stock: Sawed Off Mod

Unlike the best sniper rifles and LMGs, ADS isn't an issue when it comes to the Bryson 890. Instead, it's all about keeping your ammo spread, and the Bryson Improved Choke muzzle offers just that. It not only provides a tighter spread of bullets, but also increases the range of the Bryson 890, although this comes at the cost of recoil stability and aiming speed.

The VX Pineapple underbarrel improves the overall handling of the Bryson 890 by improving hip-firing accuracy and hip recoil control, as well as recoil stability and aiming stability while walking. We've also included a tactical STOVL laser for hip recoil control and shooting accuracy, so you'll have even less to worry about when it comes to ADS markings.

The 21,5" barrel of the Bryson Tacfire is a factory barrel for the Bryson 800, but it's a boon for the Bryson 890. Its tighter shot spread means you can make the most of its devastating damage, while the increased bullet velocity and range ensure it matches its mark.

Finally, we opted for the Sawed Off Mod stock - because after all, if you're going to use a shotgun, it's better to rely on its close-range specialization. The Sawed Off Mod rewards you with a boost to your ADS speed, sprint to fire, and overall movement with additional hip recoil control. As you might expect, this stock is detrimental to recoil control. as well as stability when aiming, as well as resistance to flinch. None of this matters much when you're lightly moving and getting close to enemy fighters - just make sure you drop them before they can strike back.


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