In search best SA-B 50 gear in MW2? Snipers are becoming a popular choice in the early days of MW2 multiplayer, and it's no surprise when weapons like the SA-B 50 can be built for speed and damage. Thus, this modification is aimed at increasing the ADS, reload speed and mobility of the SA-B 50.

Luckily, you can unlock this sniper at the very beginning of multiplayer by leveling up the SP-R 208 to level 13. Proper tuning can make it perfect for its rate of fire and movement speed, turning it into one of Modern Warfare 2's best sniper rifles.

The best equipment for MW2 SA-B 50

Here is the best SA-B 50 loadout in Modern Warfare 2:

  • Laser: FSS OLE-V Laser
  • Bolt: FSS ST87
  • Trunk: 18,5″ Bryson LR Factory
  • Optics: Forge Tac Delta 4
  • Shop: 5-round magazine

If you like camping with a sniper under the protection of your team, then this build is not for you. We've designed the SA-B 50 with a rate of fire in mind, this nimble weapon improves ADS speed by adding an FSS OLE-V Laser, as well as boosting stability. We've added a 5-round magazine for fast reloading and an ST87 bolt to increase the rate of fire.

For the 5x5 zoom, we opted for the Forge Tac Delta 4 optic and the Bryson LR Factory barrel to increase the sniper's range, movement speed, and hipfire accuracy. This attachment combo is perfect for taking out enemies at medium range, although you can use Modern Warfare 2's Overkill perk to carry an SMG for close range combat.

This is our best SA-B 50 build in MW2 and could easily replace the SP-X in our best Modern Warfare 2 builds.


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