Not sure how to do Spectacular shot in FIFA 23? A flair throw is when a player takes a shot on goal, but with a twist. Sometimes it will be a heel kick instead of a regular kick, sometimes the player will cover their face before hitting the ball, there are many different types of kicks that can be found.

Goal after goal is great, and admittedly the whole point of playing football. Sometimes, though, you'll want to spice things up a bit to really stylize your opponent, especially after performing a nimble move like the McGeedy spin. Many real life players have scored some great goals with a little bit of their flair, and Eric Lamela won the 2021 Puskas award for his incredible Rabona goal against Arsenal.

FIFA 23 Shooting Tips

Hitting the ball with talent in FIFA 23 is not difficult mechanically, but it requires checking a few points, because not every player is actually capable of hitting the ball with skill. First, the player in question must have good dribbling stats. It has to be someone who can actually pull off this stunt in real life - which unfortunately rules out most centre-backs. A player with the flair trait also helps - which is to be expected, really - and having four or five star moves further increases your chances of scoring a miracle goal.

The button combo to perform a true shot in FIFA 23 is to simply hold down the left trigger before pressing the shoot button. So if you are using an Xbox controller it will be LT + B or L2 + Circle on a PlayStation controller.

If you're trying to land the FIFA 23 tricky throw for the Shuffle Board Challenge in the Table Sports Moments category, we have one piece of advice: stop the ball before you hit it. You're playing against an amateur AI, so they won't grab you right away, and a well-aimed shot while stationary will almost always perform a rabona. You just need to hit the target.

It's worth noting when trying to throw with flair that it increases the difficulty of hitting the ball, so if you're using a low-ranked player or if the whole match is in the balance, know that it's much more risky. showboat than not. Football has been nicknamed the “beautiful game” for a reason, so get out there and start in style.

If you're looking for the perfect shooter capable of making an accurate shot, this FIFA 23 best ratings guide should point you to the perfect candidates to start scoring multiple world matches.


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