Are you looking for the series Chucky season 3? In our content you can read briefly. After a six-month hiatus, the beloved killer doll finally continues to terrorize in the second half of Chucky's third season. Chucky's third season premiered in October 2023, airing only four of its eight episodes before going on a long hiatus. The hiatus was caused by the Writers Guild of America strike, which affected the production of many films and TV series. But Chucky is finally back, and after the first part ended, there's no telling what's in store for the second part. But here's everything you need to remember before watching.

Chucky in the White House?

TV series Chucky season 3

Season three of Chucky begins at the White House. Yes, you read that right. In the White House. We see a little boy being consoled by his mother because he is afraid there are ghosts in his closet. At any other time this would likely not be a cause for concern. After all, children always think there is something in the closet. But this is Chucky, and we never know what he's up to. His latest idea? Infiltrate the White House by posing as a toy doll rather than the fearsome assassin we know him to be. Henry Collins (Callum Vinson) is the down-on-his-luck owner of Chucky (Brad Dourif), only he calls him Joseph, which turns out to be the name of his brother, who recently died. Henry is the son of James Collins (Devon Sawa), the President of the United States in the Chucky version. So, much to everyone's chagrin, Chucky doesn't run for president as the Season 3 promotion suggested, but he ends up in the White House anyway, and that's almost as bad.

At first, Chucky seems like a surprisingly good guest, but then it becomes clear that he's still not over his sinister ways—not that we expected anything less. Through Henry, Chucky manages to get into the Oval Office, which is the last place Chucky should have been allowed. While inside, Chucky steals a letter opener, and it's only a matter of time before he uses the tool for further sadistic purposes. He eventually kills James's secretary Samantha (Steffi DiDomenicantonio), but not before killing the family's security guard Teddy (Noah Dalton Danby), which horrifies Henry. Thanks to news of Teddy's death, Lexi (Alyvia Alyn Lind), Jake (Zachary Arthur) and Devon (Bjorgvin Arnarson) learn of Chucky's whereabouts and plan to end him once and for all.

The gang is back together

After the death of their parents, leaving each of them orphaned, Lexie, Jake and Devon are taken in by their teacher, Miss Fairchild (Annie Briggs), who is repeatedly shown to be the only adult who believed the children about Chucky. Despite the tragic losses each of them has faced, they are doing well—as well as they can be. Jake has taken up creative writing, Devon has returned to podcasting and is focusing heavily on the Charles Lee Ray story, and Lexi is desperately searching for her sister Caroline (Karina Buttrick) using TikTok.

After learning that Chucky has infiltrated the White House, Lexie turns to the president's eldest son Grant (Jackson Kelly), using their shared grief over the loss of a sibling as leverage. She gets them an invitation to his house, and Miss Fairchild accompanies them, which turns out to be a fatal mistake. At first everything goes well, but when Miss Fairchild is alone in the room, she is suddenly attacked by Chucky, who strangles her with an American flag. And as if that weren't enough, he steals her phone, FaceTimes Jake, Lexi, and Devon and taunts them about the murder, then tells them he'll be waiting for them at the Halloween party he promises there will be. very bloody.

Tiffany behind bars

TV series Chucky season 3

The third episode of Season 3, aptly titled "Jennifer's Body," finally gives us a definitive answer to the Season 2 finale, in which Chucky, disguised as a Belle doll, attacked Tiffany (Jennifer Tilly). The episode ended before we saw the outcome, leaving us wondering what exactly happened to the fan-favorite character. Did she somehow survive? Or did she still become Chucky's victim after all these years? Season 103 gives us the answers we've been wanting. It turns out that the police broke down the door and arrested Tiffany before Chucky could finish her off. She is arrested for murder and taken away in a police car. In prison, Tiffany visits Lexie, who asks where Caroline is, but Tiffany explains that Chucky took her and she doesn't know where she is now. She also learns that there is another Chucky doll, which shocks Lexie as she believes she killed the last one. We then travel back in time to Tiffany's trial, where Jake, Lexi, Devon and Nika (Fiona Furif) testify against her. Tiffany tells the judge and jury the whole story. That in fact she is not Jennifer Tilly, but Tiffany Valentine, and that her lover Charles Lee Ray inhabited the doll's body. She goes on to say that while trying to find human vessels for her souls, Tiffany chose Jennifer Tilly's body because she wanted to become a movie star. Naturally, no one believes her, and despite her lawyer's attempts to acquit her on the grounds of insanity, she is sentenced to death on charges of XNUMX murders.

In the present, Tiffany is sent to a prison in Texas, and because she is believed to be Jennifer Tilly, she is placed in a special section of the prison. There she meets a celebrity chef named Evelyn (Nia Vardalos) and the couple begins to grow close. But their budding friendship quickly fades when Tiffany reveals that she killed Jennifer's sister Meg Tilly. Evelyn is shocked that Tiffany could kill her own sister, but Tiffany again insists that she is not Jennifer, so technically it was not her sister, but Evelyn simply tells her that she will cheer when she is executed and leaves. She leaves behind a cigarette butt which Tiffany takes and we later find out that it's because she got the Voodoo for Dummies book like we saw in Bride of Chucky when she resurrected Chucky. She turns Evelyn into a voodoo doll and uses a spell to control her movements. She forces Evelyn to mutilate her body in the most horrific ways: stabbing herself, peeling her hands, and putting her head in a pan of hot oil, which ultimately kills her. It's brutal yet humorous - two staples of the Chucky franchise.

But the voodoo fun doesn't end there: she creates a doll of one of the officers after receiving a piece of her gum. However, she does not kill the officer like Evelyn, but manipulates him into helping her get out of prison. She only needs the personal belongings of each of the guards, which she must receive before the execution date in three weeks. Since the officer is under the influence of Tiffany's voodoo, she is obligated to help her, and although the episode ends before we can see it continue, it seems that there is more hope for Tiffany than initially seemed.

The Curious Case of Charles Lee Ray

TV series Chucky season 3

In "Jennifer's Body," we see the aftermath of what happened after Chucky attacked Tiffany in the season two finale, and learn from Tiffany that Caroline and Chucky ran away together. While Tiffany was being loaded into the police car, Nika Pierce saw Caroline leave the hotel with Chucky in her arms, and although she tried to follow them, she lost them when they went down to the subway. We continue to follow Chucky and Caroline after their escape, and as sadistic as it may be, the pair are actually quite fun to watch together. It's a completely perverted spectacle, but isn't that the point? While in a taxi, the pair discuss Chucky's murder plans, which naturally worries the driver (played by Kenan Thompson) and leads to him asking them to leave. They do so, but not before killing the driver in what may be one of Chucky's most brutal murders. He reclines the driver's seat, shoves the umbrella down his throat and opens it, exploding the driver's throat and killing him with spray. Ugh!

When he and Caroline take a break to get some sleep, Chucky wakes up to find his hair falling out, which is naturally quite alarming, considering he's a doll and all. Caroline suggests that he see a voodoo doctor, to which Chucky agrees. The Doctor asks him if he has practiced any new religions, to which Chucky replies that he has not, but that he has recently participated in an exorcism. Then the doctor comes to the conclusion that he is infected with Christian magic, which does not suit Damballa and leads to the spirit leaving him. Now he cannot inhabit other bodies and begins to age, and rapidly. The doctor tells him that there is a cure, but for this you need to go through a ritual that has not been performed since the Crusades, but Chucky is ready to try anything. The ritual is that Chucky must sacrifice six people in the house of evil.

So he and Caroline go to Amityville, New York, to the Amityville Horror house. After all, this is one of the most famous houses of evil, and it would certainly do. Luckily for him and Caroline, there is a party going on inside and Chucky makes short work of the guests. But the ritual doesn't work, and Chucky decides the house isn't evil enough and chooses the White House instead. After Caroline puts on makeup to hide the signs of her aging, Chucky goes to the cemetery and waits at Joseph Collins' grave. Henry spots him and, believing it to be his brother's reincarnation, takes Chucky home, explaining how the menacing doll ended up in the house.

TV series Chucky season 3

Months later, in the present time, Chucky is preparing for the Collins' Halloween party, where he plans to successfully perform his ritual. But since there are a lot of people, and therefore witnesses, who could interfere with him, Chucky chooses more creative tactics. He loosens the screws in a chandelier hanging from the ceiling, causing the massive light fixture to fall to the floor, crushing several partygoers beneath it and killing them. Devon is almost among these victims, but is fortunately saved at the last second by Jake, much to Chucky's chagrin. Chucky later performs the iconic Damballah chant, which is made even more dramatic by his Phantom of the Opera costume. But when he takes off the mask and looks in the mirror, he discovers that the ritual did not work, and he himself has aged even more and continues to age. Now Chucky is faced with the one thing he has never thought about before. Mortality. And this could be his biggest battle.

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