If you are looking for working Midnight Racing Tokyo codes for March 2023, then you are in the right place. If you watched Fast and the Furious or Initial D and wanted it to be you, then you need to place an order for Midnight Racing Tokyo. The popular game Roblox puts you in the shoes of a budding tough champion racing through the streets of Japan.

You'll buy new cars, race other players to earn more yen, and then customize your car to get the most out of it. Maps are available based on real and fictional areas, such as the neon-lit metropolis of Tokyo or the Initial D-style mountain pass on Mount Otsuki. If you're just starting out and need help, don't forget to redeem some Midnight Racing Tokyo codes. These promo codes will give you free yen that you can use to buy new cars or improve existing ones.

Midnight Racing Tokyo working codes

  • touchgrass50k — Three million yen
  • DEVGEM500K - Two million yen
  • secret code - One million yen
  • 12ktwitter - One million yen

Expired Codes

  • New year 2022

How to redeem Midnight Racing Tokyo codes

Don't know how to redeem a code in Midnight Racing Tokyo? Just follow these simple steps:

Midnight Racing Tokyo codes March 2023
  1. In the main menu, click "PROMO CODE" at the top of the screen.
  2. Enter the desired code.
  3. Then press and hold the button that says "Hold to send."

If the code you entered is active, you will receive a notification that it has been used. If you receive an error message, then the code is no longer active. Codes for Roblox games tend to be time dependent, so if you come across a code you like, make sure you redeem it quickly.

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