A huge visual update is coming to Cyberpunk 2077, but not from CDPR. The creator of the most downloaded Witcher 3 mod has announced that he is currently in development on his next project, the Cyberpunk 2077 HD Reworked mod. A comprehensive open-world RPG project from CD Projekt Red should be one of the best Cyberpunk 2077 mods with texture updates throughout the game. Some of the work has already been completed and can be seen in the announcement trailer.

Modder 'Halk Hogan' has already made a name for himself among fans of CDPR games. The Witcher 3 HD Reworked sits comfortably at the top of the fantasy game's all-time download list, racking up a staggering 2015 million downloads since its release in 5,3, more than double the number of the next most popular mod. It became so popular that, after discussions with CDPR, it was included in the official extended edition of The Witcher 3.

Hulk Hogan is hard at work on a similar update to the recently released next-gen version of the game, appropriately titled The Witcher 3 HDRP Next-Gen Edition. However, that didn't stop them from turning their attention to the new CD Projekt Red series of games: they shared a two and a half minute teaser trailer showing their ongoing work on the Cyberpunk 2077 HD Reworked project, which you can watch below.

“This game definitely deserves some love,” explains Hulk Hogan, “I've only been working on this project for a little while now, but as you can see, some of the work has already been completed.” They say the initial release of version 1.0 will focus on reworking "various low-resolution textures to make them decidedly more pleasing to the eye."

The results certainly speak for themselves - the difference in quality is immediately noticeable, and Hulk Hogan assures players that "everything is optimized as much as possible, so you won't lose too much performance, and at the same time the game will be more beautiful." They say a release date is to be expected "soon" and we'll definitely be keeping a close eye on developments - if you're planning on playing Cyberpunk 2077 this year, this mod looks like the easiest of the bunch.



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